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Catholic News Herald

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031125 ash insideCHARLOTTE — El pasado miércoles, miles de fieles en toda la Diócesis de Charlotte tuvieron sus frentes marcadas con cruces hechas de cenizas al comenzar la temporada de Cuaresma de 40 días, mientras el Obispo Michael Martin los instaba a utilizar este tiempo para embarcarse en un viaje espiritual transformador. “Somos enviados a llevar el mensaje de Jesucristo a un mundo necesitado”, dijo.

Personas de todas las edades, desde niños hasta personas mayores, asistieron a los servicios del Miércoles de Ceniza, liturgias que reflejaron la solemne temporada que conduce a la Semana Santa.

Los signos tradicionales del cambio del tiempo ordinario al tiempo cuaresmal de arrepentimiento, oración y contemplación incluyeron los ornamentos morados que usaban los sacerdotes y diáconos y los tonos solemnes de himnos como “Señor, que a lo largo de estos 40 días” y “Cuarenta días y cuarenta noches”.

Fuertes lluvias y vientos intensos azotaron la región el miércoles por la mañana, pero eso no impidió que la gente acudiera a las Misas matutinas para recibir las cenizas, un signo tanto de mortalidad como de arrepentimiento.

Para el mediodía, las nubes se despejaron y el sol saludó a aquellos que comenzaron su observancia de la Cuaresma en los servicios más tarde.
Más de 300 personas asistieron a la Misa del mediodía en la Catedral San Patricio en Charlotte, celebrada por el Obispo Martin, quien comenzó su primera temporada de Cuaresma en la diócesis.

En su homilía, el Obispo Martin instó a las personas a no dejar que las tradiciones, sonidos e imágenes familiares de la Cuaresma los adormezcan y lleven a la complacencia, olvidando la urgente necesidad de abrazar la conversión y dar testimonio del mensaje de Cristo en el mundo.

Reflexionó sobre la naturaleza del Miércoles de Ceniza como el inicio de 40 días de transformación espiritual, sacrificio, oración y un enfoque renovado del corazón y el alma en Dios.

Una de sus recuerdos más vívidos de la infancia, dijo, fue ver a su padre regresar a casa al mediodía en el Viernes Santo. El hecho de que su lugar de trabajo permitiera que los empleados salieran temprano para que pudieran adorar a Dios en un día santo le llamó la atención, comentó. Instó a la congregación a reflexionar sobre el llamado especial del Miércoles de Ceniza que los llevó a sacar tiempo de sus jornadas laborales a mitad de semana para tener un encuentro con Dios.

“Hermanos y hermanas, nuestro Dios nos llama hoy a despojar nuestras vidas, nuestro Dios nos llama hoy a la conversión del corazón”, dijo el Obispo Martin. “Si todo lo que hemos venido a hacer hoy es ser marcados con un signo y salir siendo las mismas personas, ¿qué estamos haciendo aquí? La conversión es un llamado constante. Es una expectativa de nuestro Dios de acercarnos más a Él, y eso requiere pasos que debemos dar”.

Las tradiciones de la temporada son hermosas, reverentes y significativas, pero advirtió a los fieles que no se entierren simplemente en un “hermoso capullo seguro” y crean que eso es suficiente. El trabajo espiritual realizado durante la Cuaresma no significará nada si las personas no se comprometen a compartir a Cristo con los demás.

“La fe no compartida está muerta”, advirtió.
La Cuaresma, dijo, ofrece a los católicos la oportunidad de reenfocar sus vidas en Cristo y Su mensaje, y de trabajar para superar las distracciones y vicios de la vida diaria que pueden alejarlos de su relación con Él.

“La temporada de Cuaresma dice ‘Oye, necesitamos 40 días para despojarnos de algunas de esas distracciones, para que podamos ser mejor conocidos como hijos e hijas de Jesús’”, dijo el Obispo Martin. “Que nuestra proclamación de las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo no sea simplemente cenizas negras en nuestra frente durante el resto del día. Eso es insuficiente. El Espíritu Santo quiere hacer más en ti”.

—  Christina Lee Knauss

Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
St. Therese in Mooresville had five Masses on Ash Wednesday in addition to visiting a number of nursing homes, homebound parishioners and the preschool.  They expected the total number of parishioners and visitors receiving ashes to be in the thousands.
St. Therese in Mooresville had five Masses on Ash Wednesday in addition to visiting a number of nursing homes, homebound parishioners and the preschool. They expected the total number of parishioners and visitors receiving ashes to be in the thousands.
Father Huver E. Navarro Vigo greets parishioners after the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Therese in Mooresville.
Father Huver E. Navarro Vigo greets parishioners after the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Therese in Mooresville.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
Some Immaculata Catholic School students and staff showed off their ashes following Mass.
Some Immaculata Catholic School students and staff showed off their ashes following Mass.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Father Darren Balkey presided over the Ash Wednesday children’s Mass at St. Matthew School in Charlotte.
Father Darren Balkey presided over the Ash Wednesday children’s Mass at St. Matthew School in Charlotte.
For Catholics around the world, Father Darren Balkey thinks Ash Wednesday is one of the most powerful rituals.
For Catholics around the world, Father Darren Balkey thinks Ash Wednesday is one of the most powerful rituals.
“People always remember getting ashes from very early in their childhood, so a lot of times it brings Catholics back to their faith. The reminder of our mortality is not something dark but realistic. It gives people hope,” Father Balkey explains.
“People always remember getting ashes from very early in their childhood, so a lot of times it brings Catholics back to their faith. The reminder of our mortality is not something dark but realistic. It gives people hope,” Father Balkey explains.
“They want to know in this busy world that they can reflect on the fact that this life will end and there is a better life ahead with Christ. That’s why it is crowded.”
“They want to know in this busy world that they can reflect on the fact that this life will end and there is a better life ahead with Christ. That’s why it is crowded.”
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Charlotte.
At St. Francis of Assisi in Lenior, parishioners mark the start of Lent.
At St. Francis of Assisi in Lenior, parishioners mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Parishioners at St. Phillip Apostle in Statesville mark the start of Lent.
Parishioners at St. Phillip Apostle in Statesville mark the start of Lent.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Therese Church in Mooresville.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Therese Church in Mooresville.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
A St. Mark School student recieves ashes on Ash Wednesday.
A St. Mark School student recieves ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Angels in Marion.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Angels in Marion.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.