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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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061223 CCEl domingo 11 de junio se celebra en Estados Unidos la Solemnidad de Corpus Christi, una de las más importantes fiestas litúrgicas católicas, pues recuerda al mundo que Jesucristo está presente de forma viva y real en la Eucaristía.

Tiene sus raíces en la Edad Media y se estableció en el año 1264, cuando el Papa Urbano IV emitió una bula papal llamada “Transiturus de hoc mundo”. Este documento hizo de la festividad de Corpus Christi una celebración universal de la Iglesia católica.

La fiesta se instituyó para honrar y adorar la presencia real de Jesucristo en la Eucaristía. Durante la celebración de la Misa, el pan y el vino se convierten en el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo. La fiesta enfatiza la importancia de este sacramento y fomenta la devoción hacia la Eucaristía.

Corpus Christi se extendió rápidamente por toda Europa y convirtió en una de las festividades religiosas más importantes del calendario litúrgico. En muchas ciudades y pueblos se llevaron a cabo elaboradas procesiones en las que se exhibía y se adoraba la Eucaristía en una custodia dorada. Durante estas procesiones se decoraban las calles con alfombras de flores y realizaban danzas y representaciones teatrales.

A lo largo de los siglos, la fiesta de Corpus Christi ha evolucionado y adquirido distintas tradiciones y manifestaciones culturales en diferentes regiones del mundo.
En Cusco, Perú, por ejemplo, la fiesta de Corpus Christi adquirió un gran significado debido a la fusión de la religión católica con las tradiciones y la cosmovisión andina, dando lugar a una celebración única y colorida.

En Cusco se combinan elementos de la religión católica introducida por los españoles y las tradiciones ancestrales de los pueblos indígenas de la región. Esta fusión refleja la historia y la interacción cultural entre los conquistadores españoles y la población indígena durante la época colonial.

Algunos aspectos destacados de esta mixtura son:

Las procesiones: Durante la procesión de Corpus Christi en Cusco, además de las figuras y símbolos católicos tradicionales, se incluyen también íconos andinos como las imágenes de los santos patronos locales o los apus (espíritus de las montañas).

Las alfombras de flores: Estas coloridas alfombras son elaboradas con pétalos de flores y materiales naturales, y representan una mezcla de símbolos cristianos y andinos, como cruces, figuras de animales sagrados y diseños geométricos.

Las danzas y la música: Las danzas folklóricas tradicionales son una parte integral de la celebración. Durante el Corpus Christi en Cusco, se realizan danzas andinas, como las de los Chunchos y los Negritos, entre otras. Estas danzas están llenas de movimientos vigorosos, coloridos trajes tradicionales y música en vivo con instrumentos como la zampoña, la quena y el tambor.

La fusión andina y católica en la celebración del Corpus Christi en Cusco es una muestra del respeto por la diversidad y nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de valorar y respetar las diferentes tradiciones y cosmovisiones culturales. La combinación de elementos católicos y andinos en la celebración del Corpus Christi en Cusco es un ejemplo de cómo las culturas pueden entrelazarse y enriquecerse mutuamente, permitiendo la coexistencia pacífica de diferentes sistemas de creencias.

— César Hurtado

Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
Eucharist Procession around Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe as part of the Eucharistic Triduum 2023. Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor, was leading.
 Corpus Christi St Elizabeth (Photo by Amber Mellon)
Corpus Christi St Elizabeth (Photo by Amber Mellon)
Corpus Christi at St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte.(Photo by Mike FitzGerald)
Corpus Christi at St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte.(Photo by Mike FitzGerald)
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
Eucharist Procession at St. Aloysious in Hickory. Deacon Francisco Piña carried the Holy Sacrament
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
The faithful made colorful flower carpets to receive the Eucharist Procession at St Francis of Assisi in Franklin. They started working early in the morning.
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
St John Neumann Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
Corpus Christi Procession at St. Leo Church.
A beautiful evening and an even more beautiful way to kick off the feast of Corpus Christi with a Eucharistic Procession around the grounds of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.
A beautiful evening and an even more beautiful way to kick off the feast of Corpus Christi with a Eucharistic Procession around the grounds of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.
A beautiful evening and an even more beautiful way to kick off the feast of Corpus Christi with a Eucharistic Procession around the grounds of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.
A beautiful evening and an even more beautiful way to kick off the feast of Corpus Christi with a Eucharistic Procession around the grounds of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Fr. José Juya, parish vicar, lead the Eucharist Processional with Fr. Lucas Rossi, pastor at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. A crowd of parishioners follow them through the facilities until gather at Mass.
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro held a Corpus Christi procession led by Father Casey Coleman, pastor. The procession was just over a mile long and included First Communicants and traditional chants from the Latin Mass choir. Photo: Kelly Henson
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
Sisters from the Daughters of the Virgin Mother organized the flower girls with rose petals and Diocese seminarians assisted and served at both Masses and Processions. (Photos by Amy Burger)
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.
St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a Eucharistic Procession at the end of the Sunday, 9 am Mass and another at the end of the 1 p.m. Spanish Mass.