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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

120420 santaboxGREENSBORO — Eighth-graders in Bill Parker’s religion class recently completed “Saint in a Box” projects.

The projects are a culmination of the students’ preparation for the sacrament of confirmation, but also brings full circle the faith-based education they have received.

The effort involves researching their patron saint for confirmation, or a saint of interest to them, and then relate what they have learned and give the boxes they have made to their kindergarten prayer buddies.

Some students chose familiar saints such as St. Nicholas or St. Francis, while others researched lesser-known saints like St. Roch or St. Dymphna.

— Photo provided by April Parker

120420 stpatCHARLOTTE — During the days leading up to Thanksgiving, students at St. Patrick School engaged in acts of service to support the local community.

Students assembled hundreds of snack bags and toiletry bags and tied 24 no-sew fleece blankets for The Relatives, a Charlotte organization that supports homeless and runaway youth.

Students also raised nearly $900 to support The Relatives and A Child’s Place through a dress-down day.

The school concluded their celebrations with a livestreamed Thanksgiving Day parade.

 — Photo provided by Amy M. Tobergte