diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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  • Catch up on back-to-school information from your school, especially any updates to the start of the school day, handbook changes, uniform updates, school supply lists.
  • Put bedtime and wake-up time routines back into place at least a week before school starts. 
  • Students who are new to changing classes and having a locker often find creating a list helpful for remembering what to bring home at the end of each day.
  • Talk about how as a family you will partner with the school this year, using their time, talent and treasure.
  • Talk about the return to school in a positive way. Remind students of the names of teachers, after-school caretakers, the principal and other special people in the school building.
  • Conduct fittings for kids receiving uniforms passed down from older siblings. Order more as soon as possible or ask your school about its gently used uniform closet. Donate uniforms that no longer fit.
  • Make picking out a backpack or lunch box a special event. Take the opportunity to build independent habits as you encourage your child to organize their supplies and make packing lunch a team effort. Students can also participate in the care of their school uniforms, sports uniforms, and band and activity equipment. 
  • Reuse school supplies if possible.
  • Enjoy every bit of summer left – think pools, parks, cookouts – especially between now and Labor Day.

— Catholic News Herald