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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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031723 St Pius Holy Family Statue031723 St Pius Holy Family StatueGREENSBORO — A beautiful new statue of the Holy Family greets all who enter St. Pius X School in Greensboro. The bronze work of art now graces DeJoy Circle near the school’s main building breezeway entrance.

Imported from Italy, the statue is a gift from parishioners Tom and Mary Martin. There are plans to include a plate acknowledging the Martins’ generous gift, and the area will be landscaped this spring.

“It is absolutely OK for students to touch the statue!” said Monsignor Anthony Marcaccio, the pastor of St. Pius X Church.

Under his direction, it was placed at the height where the average second-grader can reach the child Jesus’ hands.

Monsignor Marcaccio also said he wants everyone, especially the children of the school and parish, to feel welcome to touch the statue.

He added, “How sacred and how special it is that, as students and families walk past the statue at our school, they will be able to feel the embrace of the Holy Family.”

— Annie Ferguson, photos provided by Elena Leone

031723 statues