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Catholic News Herald

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050721 CCHSFather Timothy Reid, school chaplain and vicar of education, and Monsignor Patrick Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the diocese, concelebrated Mass and blessed the statue. (SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald)CHARLOTTE — April 30 was a historic day for Charlotte Catholic High School as diocesan and Catholic Schools officials announced during this Year of St. Joseph, both for the Diocese of Charlotte and the universal Church, that St. Joseph is now officially the school’s co-patron.
Monsignor Patrick Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the diocese, concelebrated a dedication Mass with Father Timothy Reid, the high school’s chaplain and vicar of education for Catholic Schools.

The Mass was celebrated in the school gymnasium and was attended by the freshman class in their first all-class Mass of the 2020-’21 school year due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

St. Joseph now joins Our Lady of Mercy as co-patron of Charlotte Catholic. The Sisters of Mercy, who served as teachers and administrators of the high school when it was created in 1955, designated Our Lady of Mercy as patroness at its founding.

During his homily, Monsignor Winslow told those present that he believes the diocese played a role in the Holy Father’s declaring 2021 the Year of St. Joseph in the universal Church.

“When we sent over a request regarding the indulgences to be offered (for the diocesan Year of St. Joseph in 2020), I believe we brought to the radar ... that it was the anniversary,” Monsignor Winslow said. “And it wouldn’t surprise me if we were one of the voices who precipitated the decision for the entire year, this year in honor of St. Joseph.”
050721 CCHS declares St Joseph patronA four-foot statue of St. Joseph was blessed during a special dedication Mass April 30 at Charlotte Catholic High School, designating St. Joseph as co-patron of the school, along with Our Lady of Mercy.“It’s a wonderful way to see how our efforts here have contributed to the universal Year of St. Joseph,” he noted.
Before the end of Mass, a four-foot statue of St. Joseph donated to the high school was blessed with holy water by Monsignor Winslow and Father Reid.

“Today is a very special day of blessing for us. In this Year of St. Joseph, we are dedicating Charlotte Catholic High School and placing ourselves under his patronage,” Father Reid said.

“In this Year of St. Joseph, when throughout the world Catholics are honoring our spiritual father, it makes perfect sense that we should place ourselves under his patronage as well,” he added.

Kate McArdle, freshman class president, said, “It was an exciting day for Charlotte Catholic and the freshman class was so grateful to be a part of a blessing and dedication of our new patron saint. It’s wonderful that we now have both Our Lady of Mercy and St. Joseph watching over us.”

In addressing McArdle and her classmates, Principal Kurt Telford said, “St. Joseph is a great model for all of us, but especially for you and our other Catholic school members, as he teaches us how to live courageously in doing the will of God and how to be thoughtful and use good judgment in making important life choices. In making St. Joseph our patron, we now have his spiritual protection and prayers in a special way for us.”

Organizers at Charlotte Catholic plan to build a St. Joseph grotto outside the school’s entrance so all those who visit the campus will see both a statue of St. Joseph and the statue of Our Lady, which stands just outside the school chapel near the front steps.

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter


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