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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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032621 ACSASHEVILLE — Asheville Catholic School is in the home stretch of a $3.9 million construction project. Diocesan and school officials estimate the new, 12,000-square-foot addition will be completed around the end of May.

The year-long building project featuring a six-classroom addition is being funded in part by a $2.5 million school capital campaign, a $390,000 St. Eugene Parish “Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love” campaign rebate and a $475,000 FFHL grant to the school.

During recent Catholic Schools Week celebrations, students in pre-kindergarten through the second grade were given a tour of the new primary school wing, wearing donated hard hats that were then theirs to keep.

“We made sure each student got to enter the classroom in which they’ll be learning next year, as well as the other spaces, such as the art room and common area. The students were beyond excited and can’t wait to be in their new classrooms when school starts in August,” said Principal Mike Miller.

Miller noted that the building is well on its way to completion by late May or early June, and that exterior finish work is being completed as well as interior painting.

He hopes to have a ribbon-cutting ceremony when the construction project is completed.
“We all want to express our gratitude to all of those who made pledges to help us fund this project. God’s work is truly flowing through them!” he said.

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter