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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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042718 st matthew foodCHARLOTTE — Students at St. Matthew School learned the lesson of giving during Poverty Action Week, the week leading up to Easter break.

All week long the school took the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching they studied throughout Lent and provided an opportunity for students to put those principles into practice themselves. The central point for the Lenten lessons was Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus’ instructions to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first. Students collected items for St. Matthew Church’s food pantry, listened to talks from volunteers at the parish who work for justice and peace, and prayed a Living Rosary for the needs of their brothers and sisters throughout the world who are suffering. They also welcomed Bishop Peter Jugis to the school to celebrate Mass and visit the classrooms. The week culminated in working with the organization Servants with A Heart to fill an entire semi-truck with packets of pre-mixed and measured nutritious food to send to the poor in Haiti. “In doing all of these things, we hope that our students will learn that we are called to be generous, kind and to put our faith into action,” noted Principal Kevin O’Herron in his letter to parents.