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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

032720 ccdoc2CHARLOTTE — Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte was the recipient of a large grant of food from “JustServe,” a group connected with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The food donation was so large that CCDOC partnered with Loaves and Fishes in Charlotte, a food distribution provider to those in need, to help deliver the 26 pallets of food to the Diocesan Pastoral Center in multiple deliveries.

The first group of 13 pallets was delivered March 16. Jaime Fore, Catholic Charities’ volunteer coordinator in Charlotte, assisted in coordinating the deliveries.

“We have never received this much (food in one grant) before I don’t think,” Fore said. The donated food is already being boxed up to distribute curbside to CCDOC clients.
— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter. Photo provided by Catholic Charities

013020 st JCHARLOTTE — There were not many public options for commemorating the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, during this Year of St. Joseph in the Diocese of Charlotte, but the faithful found lots of ways to come together online for the special day.

A special Mass for the people of the diocese, offered by Father Christopher Roux, rector, was videotaped from St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte (see embedded video below).

Parishes livestreamed Mass on their Facebook page or video channel, including St. Mary Mother of God Church in Sylva.

Father Casey Coleman, pastor, livestreamed his private Mass on the parish’s Facebook page. Tune in here. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlotte also livestreamed Mass on its Facebook page.

Sacred Heart Church in Salisbury livestreamed Mass on its Vimeo page.

St. Mark, St. Matthew, and St. Vincent de Paul churches also have posted recorded Masses on their YouTube channels and social media.

A list of some of the churches offering online Masses is posted on the Diocese of Charlotte's website.


As to physical offerings at churches in the diocese, most  cancelled Masses due to the CDC’s restrictions limiting gatherings to fewer than 10 people. Also, a special Mass planned at Old St. Joseph Church in Mount Holly was cancelled.

But some of the St. Joseph patronal churches in the diocese continued to do what they can, mindful of the coronavirus precautions being urged by public health officials.

St. Joseph Church in Bryson City offered daily Mass at its usual time, although attendance was limited based on the CDC’s guidelines.

St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis cancelled its feast day celebrations, but will offer Sunday Masses at the usual times with “drive-by” Holy Communion.

The Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form and Vespers planned by St. Joseph College Seminary in Charlotte was held privately.

For a different take on today’s offerings, St. Elizabeth Church in Boone hosted a Processional of Reparation in honor of St. Joseph right after the 9:30 a.m. Mass, "in honor of St. Joseph and in reparation for the sins of the world during these turbulent and unprecedented times,” the parish noted on its Facebook page.

The Fraternity of St. Joseph Men’s Group at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is also encouraging people to pray each day at 3 p.m. one Our Father, three Hail Marys, and one Glory Be “with the intent for our spiritual father, St. Joseph, to provide us with the security and peace of mind that only a loving father could instill in our journey forward.”

“As our physical realm is separating us like never before, let’s join together in our spiritual realm in a like manner,” the group stated on Facebook.

Finally, don’t forget to check out the Diocese of Charlotte’s special Year of St. Joseph website, where you can find prayers and devotions to St. Joseph for you and your family.

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, editor


Today's Readings

Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reading 1  2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16

Responsorial Psalm  89:2-3, 4-5, 27 and 29

Reading 2  Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22

Gospel  Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a


Stay firm in faith, seek St. Joseph's intercession, pope says

031920 pope praysVATICAN CITY — In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the daily lives and routines of millions of people have been turned upside down, Pope Francis said, but they must help each other stay firm in faith.

In a video message released March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, the pope said Jesus' stepfather also knew "uncertainty and disappointment" and worry about what the future would bring, but he still placed himself without reservation into God's hands.

The Vatican released the text of the pope's message a few hours before the video was to be broadcast as part of a campaign, led by the Italian bishops' conference, to have Catholics pray the rosary together for an end to the pandemic, for the healing of the sick and for the well-being of families in their second week of lockdown.

"The rosary is the prayer of the humble and of the saints who use its mysteries to contemplate with Mary the life of Jesus, the merciful face of the Father," the pope said in his message. "How we all need to be truly consoled, to feel surrounded by His loving presence!"

"With the Virgin Mother, we beg the Lord to free the world from every form of pandemic," he prayed.

Pope Francis said he understood how the lockdown could be difficult for families whose worlds now are "restricted to the walls of our homes," but he urged people to be kind and gentle and "be the first to demonstrate charity, understanding, patience, forgiveness."

"This evening," he said, "we pray together, entrusting ourselves to the intercession of St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, guardian of our families. Even the carpenter from Nazareth knew uncertainty and disappointment, concern about the future, but he also knew how to walk in the dark of certain moments letting himself be guided, without reservation, by God's will."

Pope Francis prayed that God would enlighten scientists seeking a cure for the pandemic and political leaders, so that, like St. Joseph, they would safeguard the good of all those entrusted to their care.

"Sustain those who give of themselves for the needy," he prayed to St. Joseph, mentioning especially "the volunteers, nurses (and) doctors, who are on the frontlines in caring for the sick, even at the cost of their own safety."

He prayed that God would make the Church "a sign and instrument of your light and goodness."

"St. Joseph," he prayed, "accompany families. With your prayerful silence, build harmony between parents and children, especially the smallest ones."

And, he continued, "protect the elderly from solitude. Make sure that no one is left in the desperation of abandonment and discouragement. Console those who are most fragile, encourage those who waver, intercede for the poor."

— Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service