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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

'Human life is valuable beyond quality and means'

011521 march4CHARLOTTE — About 200 people braved a dreary January day to publicly witness to the beauty and sanctity of all human life, during the 15th annual March for Life Charlotte Jan. 15.

The peaceful outdoor march and prayer vigil in Independence Square featured many families with young children, members of the Knights of Columbus, local clergy and college seminarians from St. Joseph College Seminary in Mount Holly. Besides parishioners from Charlotte-area Catholic churches, members of All Saints Lutheran Church in Charlotte also took part in the public event, which was limited due to COVID-19 precautions.

The annual March for Life Charlotte recalls the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v Bolton that legalized abortion. The march and special Mass for the Unborn, offered at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte, are meant as a time of prayer to call attention to the more than 61 million lives lost to abortion and the need to change people's hearts.

Father Noah Carter, pastor of Holy Cross Church in Kernersville, delivered the keynote address after the march from outside the Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Center to Independence Square in uptown Charlotte.

Arguments for abortion have expanded over the decades as our culture has become increasingly individualistic and focused on material comfort above all else, said Father Carter, who called it a "societal epidemic of irrational individualism." Read his full remarks.

Beyond the modern pro-abortion movement's roots in racism and eugenics, championed by Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, the current pro-abortion mindset says that "if a child is unwanted, his or her life (is) somehow less than a wanted child because its life would be one of greater difficulty and trial," Father Carter said. 

"However, I am not aware of any guarantee that one has a right to a life without suffering or distress. There is no guarantee that says that one has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without having to overcome difficulties and obstacles. No, we here know that the right to life is absolute in and of itself. It means that a child has the right to be brought to term, delivered and then cared for lovingly."

"Human life, indeed, is more than quality and length, but something to be valued in itself," he said. "Human life at the moment of conception is about relationship. No matter the situation of the family or the circumstances of the conception, human life produces irrevocable relationships that define and undergird its sanctity.

"First and foremost, there is the relationship of the child with the God who has seen to its formation. Secondly is the relationship between the child and its mother, a relationship of caring and nurturing, a relationship of guardianship and responsibility. These relationships go beyond biology and science."

"My friends," Father Carter continued, "our work in the pro-life movement is to show forth the powerful reality that human life is valuable beyond socio-economic situations. It is valuable beyond quality and means. The value of human life is about forming bonds of love and caring. And that is what makes our work and advocacy so important today.

"Not only do the abortion laws need to be changed, but we must also weave our pro-life message into a movement that changes the heart of our country."

Signs, marches and demonstrations only go so far, Father Carter noted: we have to move beyond divisiveness and stereotypes to build relationships of mutual respect and dialogue.

"We must invest ourselves in our local communities, in our neighborhoods, and in our local governments in order to show those who have the power to change the course of our country that the pro-life movement is founded upon love and that acknowledgment of the goodness of an unborn life is beneficial to the common good," he said. "It begins by forming relationships that are based upon the question: 'How can we reflect in our community, township, neighborhood, the values that we hold dear as Americans?' If we are all on our own and not engaging with those who live around us, we don’t think much about enshrining values. Instead, we simply worry about what’s going to get me ahead and secure my comfort."

That work "must begin in our communities and with our neighbors," he said, and it must include partnering with like-minded pro-life advocates outside the Catholic Church.

Also speaking at this year's march was Cassaundra Baber, the founder of Momdacity, a pro-life effort that aims "to provide every woman with the tools and information she needs to make an informed choice about motherhood in America," according to her online blog. "Our goal is to change the culture in America to believe every mom no matter her circumstances is capable of being a mom."

"I am the story that (abortion advocates) don't want you to hear," she told marchers.

A high-achieving college student, she was raped at the age of 18 and became pregnant. She chose life for her unborn son and now thanks God for the blessing of her child.

"He is the best thing I have ever experienced and I’d experience his traumatic conception a billion times more if it meant his life in mine," she said.

"Abortion supporters tell you that women who have been raped need abortion. It is a lie! The abortion industry has never, ever asked me or women like me what we think about abortion."

She noted two studies regarding rape and abortion conducted in 1979 and 2000 that found nearly 75 percent of women who conceived through rape did not choose abortion, and 88 percent of those who chose abortion later regretted their decision.

"Why? Because life wins!"

"Why isn't the abortion industry sharing the information I just shared with you? They can't risk the truth, they can't risk destroying the narrative that they've created to emotionally manipulate men and women," she said.

To conclude the day's public witness, marchers prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

— Catholic News Herald


‘We don’t have to kill our children’

CHARLOTTE — Cassaundra Baber wants everyone to know that a child conceived in rape deserves to live and that a woman can choose life for her child and be successful in the world.

Baber spoke Jan. 15 at the March for Life Charlotte, addressing those who gathered at Independence Square to witness to the sanctity of life.

Baber was raped her freshman year of college 26 years ago. Just 18 at the time, she never contemplated aborting her son. Her Catholic faith formed her understanding of what a precious gift the new life growing inside of her was – full of potential in God’s plan for their lives.

With the support of her family, she completed her college education, launched her career and raised her son as a single mother. She is proud that he too graduated from college and now has a career as a software engineer.

“When I became a mom, it was a joyful experience,” Baber explains. “God gave me a feisty personality. I have had a successful career and achieved goals. I have the personality not to be a victim. This is an important message: we are not victims. We can be moms and have careers. We don’t have to kill our children.”

Baber, a parishioner of St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte, has always practiced her Catholic faith – attending Mass, going to confession and praying the rosary – which she attributes to providing the strength she needed in her responsibilities as a single mother.

Baber admits she did not talk about the trauma for 17 years. After her son went away to college, she took time to seek healing. She felt God was calling her to share her story, to educate women about abortion and share the truth about the value of each child’s life no matter the circumstances of their conception.

Last fall, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Baber found herself out of work and felt the pull to begin the work God is calling her to do. She founded “Momdacity,” an outreach effort with a mission “to empower women with the audacity to mother in an anti-mom world with real stories and information untainted by the pro-abortion agenda.”

Baber’s goal is to help informed women make informed choices.

“I want to educate women on what abortion is,” she explains. “We have done a poor job about educating women on their bodies and also about what women can achieve. Planned Parenthood has them in their grips. Most Christians are pro-choice. We have to educate women specifically.”
Baber believes we can’t be afraid of this topic. “We have to tell people abortion is wrong. I am not going to be silent. I am not going to face God and tell Him I was quiet about mass genocide. We must be louder. We must be bolder. No pro-choice movement is going to use my story to justify murder.”
Baber is now speaking to groups and in the future hopes to hold retreats and conferences.

“I hope to have a retreat for moms and their daughters to talk about abortion and motherhood. Our daughters don’t understand because mothers aren’t talking to them about it,” she says.

Ultimately, Baber wants to “show women being a mother is a gift and that plenty of women are mothering successfully” – no matter the circumstances of their child’s conception.

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter

Learn more

At www.momdacity.medium.com: Learn more about Cassaundra Baber’s mission to inform and empower women about motherhood. For other inquiries, contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 916-917-9142.

‘Together Strong:  Life Unites’ March for Life in D.C. goes virtual

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The March for Life Education and Defense Fund has announced the details for the 2021 March for Life to be held on Friday, Jan. 29. “Together Strong: Life Unites” will be the theme of the annual march, which highlights the critical role each person plays in building a culture of life. This year's march will be held virtually. The “Together Strong: Life Unites.” March for Life events will begin with a rally at noon on the National Mall, which will be followed at 1 p.m. by a march to the U.S. Supreme Court to hear testimony from women who regret their abortion. Read more: National Prayer Vigil for Life will be virtual this year


Other D.C. March for Life events

  • A Youth Rally and Mass for Life hosted by the Archdiocese of Washington on Jan. 29 will be a virtual event this year. The online event will be held from 8:30 to 11 a.m. For more information and to register, go online to www.youthrallyandmassforlife.org.

Christians have duty to be witnesses to presence of Christ in our lives

011021 bishop jugis homily copyCHARLOTTE — Murder, violence and destruction in today’s world are signs that “many people are far away from God,” so Christians must live and act following the example of Jesus if we are to effectively spread the Gospel.

That was the message from Bishop Peter Jugis during Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral Jan. 10, the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.

The feast day, which formally concludes the Christmas season, commemorates the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist. The day’s Gospel from Mark recounts: “On coming up out of the water He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him. And a voice came from the heavens, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’” (Mk 1:7-11)

Not many people knew then that Jesus was the Savior come to redeem the world by His death and resurrection, and not enough people know Him as Savior today, Bishop Jugis said in his homily.

“A lot of people are ignorant of the fact of who Christ is and what He offers to us,” he noted. That means Christians “have a lot of important work to do.”

“All we have to do is consider the riots and the vandalism and the looting, and the destruction of property (and) the murders last summer, fall and this winter (that) show that many people are far away from God – many people do not know God and have not accepted Christ into their hearts,” he said.

“So, every one of us has the duty to make this culture more Christian, imbued with Christian values and virtues,” he said.

By our own baptism we follow in Jesus’ footsteps, Bishop Jugis said, noting that “we live in this world but we’re citizens of another Kingdom.”

“Let us be faithful always in practicing our faith, this precious gift that God has given to us, meant to be not only for ourselves, but lived and shared with others. So that we give (a) good example and good witness of the presence of Christ in our lives.”

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, editor


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