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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

St. Bernadette Church hosts patron saint’s relics during national tour

051022 relic tourLINVILLE — Busloads of pilgrims flocked to St. Bernadette Church May 9-11 to pray for the intercession of St. Bernadette Soubirous, called “the seer of Lourdes,” and see her relics.

The teenage saint witnessed 18 apparitions of Mary in Lourdes in 1858. The French town has become a famous destination for pilgrims, some of whom have been miraculously healed after bathing in its natural spring.

Linville became a pilgrim destination of its own this week – the only stop in North Carolina on a five-month national tour of St. Bernadette’s relics.

Among the faithful making the pilgrimage to the little church nestled in the shadow of Grandfather Mountain was Rose Alenius-Spencer of Abingdon, Va. She drove one-and-a-half-hours south through the mountains Monday with one of her daughters and her infant grandson to visit the saint she’s had an affinity for since childhood.

“I have always felt a real connection to her. I don’t really understand what it is,” she said. “My youngest daughter has Bernadette as her middle name. I am here for her and for my grandson – there are special prayers going up for them.” But, she added, “We are all in need. Every single one of us is in need of healing.”

The relics of St. Bernadette traveling across the country are ex-carne relics (meaning “from the flesh”). The reliquary, or container that houses the relics, was crafted in Spain by the Maison Granda workshop and unveiled in 2019.

The national tour, which began in April, is being organized by the Sanctuary of Lourdes in partnership with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, North American Volunteers, Hospitalité of Miami, and the Order of Malta.

During the relics’ three-day visit to his parish, pastor Father Christopher Bond anointed the sick, offered Mass and led a candlelit rosary procession each night.

Among those who were anointed Monday were Gerry and Judy Bielfeldt, who were on their way to Chicago to meet their first great-grandson. Parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte for 26 years, they read about the tour in the Catholic News Herald and knew they wanted to build it into their trip itinerary.

“I thought it would be an interesting stop. And we all need the anointing of the sick, so I wanted to stop here on our trip,” Judy said.

“I’ve always been interested in her, and I’m definitely in need of spiritual healing,” said pilgrim Catherine Norton, who is a junior at Charlotte Catholic High School. “St. Bernadette is my confirmation saint.”

“I just love these types of things,” added her aunt and confirmation sponsor, Patricia Hayes. “The symbolism (of events like this) to me is the universality of the Church.”

Six women from the Mary’s Women of Joy group at St. Mark Church in Huntersville also made the pilgrimage to venerate the relics May 9.

“I felt like we were being called,” said Jean Whelan, longtime coordinator of the ministry. The group had recently visited the Marian grotto at Belmont Abbey, and this was another opportunity for them to get together and pray.

Whelan received the anointing of the sick and spent hours in prayer before the relics and image of St. Bernadette, interceding for family and friends.

She sat in on Megan Bean’s talk about a healing she experienced in Lourdes in 2013 – a healing that is being investigated for possible recognition as a miracle.

Bean had the same misdiagnosed leg clot that Whelan’s mother had before she died. “On many levels, Mary was calling me there to heal from my mother’s passing,” Whelan reflected.

She feels a kinship with Bean, not only because Bean and her mother shared the same ailment, but through a priest connection. “Her son’s a priest. My dad’s a priest (retired Father Robert Ferris, who entered seminary some years after her mother passed away). So we bonded over that. And her son (Father Matthew Bean) is at my church, so I’m praying for him.”

Each day of the relics’ visit was capped off with a candlelight procession similar to those held in Lourdes. Participants prayed the rosary as they weaved their way up the hill behind a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, to the grotto overlooking the church.

“When you go (on a pilgrimage), you thank God,” Whelan said. But more than that, she added, “You don’t realize how impactful it is for your soul, and how impactful it is for everyone you went there for.”

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter. Photos by SueAnn Howell and César Hurtado


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‘Lourdes to Linville’

Relics of St. Bernadette on U.S. tour coming to WNC May 9-11

042222 Lourdes to Linville The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in France receives more than 3 million pilgrims a year to the Marian shrine. The relics of St. Bernadette are making a pilgrimage from Lourdes throughout the U.S. and will be at St. Bernadette Church in Linville May 9-11. (Photo provided by the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes)LINVILLE — St. Bernadette Church will host the relics of its patron, St. Bernadette Soubirous– the only stop in North Carolina on the relics’ first tour of the United States.

The western North Carolina church – and the picturesque mountain town of Linville – will be alive with the “Lourdes experience” May 9-11.

Called “the seer of Lourdes,” the French saint witnessed 18 apparitions of Mary in 1858 when she was just 14. Lourdes, the site of the apparitions and a natural spring at the base of the grotto where Mary appeared, has become a renowned destination for pilgrims, some of whom have experienced miraculous healing after bathing in the waters.

The national tour of St. Bernadette’s relics started earlier this month in Florida and ends in August. It is being organized by the Sanctuary of Lourdes in partnership with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, North American Volunteers, Hospitalité of Miami, and the Order of Malta.
Father Christopher Bond, pastor, believes his church was selected as a tour location because of its patron and his prompt response to an inquiry he received via email.

“I think because I jumped on it, we got it,” he says.
Father Bond visited the shrine at Lourdes 10 years ago before making a pilgrimage on the Way of St. James through southern France and Spain, better known as the Camino. The shrine features the grotto where Mary appeared to the young St. Bernadette, as well as spring-fed baths in which people may bathe to seek healing.

The experience was unforgettable, he recalls.

“I went into the baths, and in Lourdes I experienced and could truly feel the Blessed Mother’s presence. Something real happened there (to me) many years ago.”

The relics of St. Bernadette that are traveling across the country are ex-carne relics (meaning “from the flesh”) that were given years ago to the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception (Fathers of Garaison). Since 1866, the congregation has overseen the Lourdes shrine. In 2018, they entrusted the relics to the Sanctuary of Lourdes.

The reliquary, or container that houses the relics, was crafted in Spain by the Maison Granda workshop and unveiled in 2019.

The church in Linville will host a series of events during the three days the relics are there.

Public events begin at 11 a.m. daily with the sacrament of anointing of the sick. In addition, the church will offer: public veneration of the relics; a talk by Megan Bean, who was healed in Lourdes; Mass with a Eucharistic Procession and Benediction (including sprinkling with water from the Masabielle Grotto in Lourdes); and a candlelit rosary procession each evening.

Other points of interest on the parish grounds that visitors can enjoy include: an outdoor and an indoor Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, where people can light votive candles, and a unique painting of St. Bernadette commissioned from renowned artist Chas Fagan. Fagan also painted the official canonization image of Mother Teresa when she was declared a saint in 2016.

“I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Lourdes, but for many, a trip to Lourdes is not possible,” Father Bond said. “Now that the holy relics of St. Bernadette and the ‘experience’ of Lourdes are coming to Linville, much of the activities, the mystery, the hopefulness and the peace experienced by millions in Lourdes can be experienced here. We welcome everyone to come May 9, 10 and 11.”

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter

Go online

At www.lourdestolinville.org: Besides the information listed at left, see the event’s official website for more information about the upcoming tour, including prayers, the plenary indulgence that’s available to pilgrims, Church teaching on relics, and more


Know before you go


Please note that there is no on-site public parking at the church during the tour.

Free off-site parking and shuttle services will be offered.

People are encouraged to carpool.

The free shuttle service will run daily from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (both directions) and from 8:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (back to the off-site parking area). Shuttles will pause during the rosary procession in the evening.

Groups and parishes planning on chartered bus transportation must contact St. Bernadette Parish at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Complete parking information can be found online at www.lourdestolinville.org/parking.


Daily schedule

  • 9:30-10:30 a.m. (church): Private veneration of the relics (priests, deacons, seminarians and religious only)
  • 11 a.m. (church): Anointing of the Sick available
  • Noon-3:45 p.m. (church): Public veneration of the relics
  • 1-2 p.m.: “Healed in Lourdes,” a talk by Megan Bean
  • 4 p.m. (church): Mass with Asperges Rite (sprinkling with water from the Masabielle Grotto), concluding with a Eucharistic Procession and Benediction
  • 5:30-8 p.m. (church): Public veneration of the relics
  • 5:30-7:30 p.m. (dining tent): Dinner meals for purchase; bring bagged meals if preferred
  • 8:15 p.m. (church, grotto): Candlelit rosary procession (multilingual)



Dinner meals will be available for purchase. A bagged lunch is recommended for those visiting during the day.


Other points of interest

  • Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto (outdoor)
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto (indoor) for lighting votive candles
  • St. Anthony of Padua Chapel (outdoor)


Other activities

  • Short video “Lessons from Lourdes: Our Lady of Lourdes & St. Bernadette”
  • Children’s crafts/play area (times may vary)
  • Gift shop (times may vary)

‘A great experience’

040922 BYP 2BELMONT — Hundreds of young people from across the Diocese of Charlotte gathered at Belmont Abbey College April 9 for the Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage – the first such celebration held since the pandemic.

Despite the chilly and overcast weather, participants said they were glad to back together for the day-long event designed just for young people. The teens sprawled out on the expansive lawn in front of the historic Belmont Abbey Basilica for Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, music and fellowship, and inspirational talks.

“It’s a great experience. Just seeing all of the different people from all the other parishes is incredible,” said Thomas Conner, a ninth-grader who attends St. Ann Church in Charlotte. The outdoor Mass, offered by Belmont Abbey’s Abbot Placid Solari, “was beautiful,” he said. “It was amazing to be in nature.”

The Mass also wowed ninth-grader Denise Meraz from Holy Infant Parish in Reidsville. This was her first time attending the Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage, and she said the experience moved her.

“When we were receiving (the Eucharist), it really got to me,” she said.

The theme of this year’s youth pilgrimage mirrored the diocese’s 50th anniversary theme – “Faith More Precious Than Gold” – and teens enjoyed waving or wearing special 50th anniversary “rally flags” handed out at the beginning of the day.

Bishop Peter Jugis reflected on the 50th anniversary theme in his homily during Eucharistic Adoration. The Scripture verse from 1 Peter 1:7 invites us all to value one’s faith over anything else, he said.

“It’s a good message for you, too,” he told the young people. “St. Peter is speaking to all of us. Celebrate joyfully your Catholic faith. Be strong in the practice of your Catholic faith. Be constant in the practice of your Catholic faith.”

Attending Mass, praying daily, going to confession, being charitable – in essence, imitating Jesus – “that is our Catholic faith, and that is what we are celebrating this year, 50 years in the Diocese of Charlotte,” he said.

Bishop Jugis also stressed the prime importance of the Eucharist to our Catholic faith.

“The Holy Eucharist brings us together as one family,” he said. “We are one family in Christ – no matter which parish we come from, which part of the diocese or the state we come from. We are all gathered here together before the Lord.”
Looking out at the hundreds of young people kneeling in front of the Blessed Sacrament, he remarked, “I am glad that you have come here on pilgrimage today to pray with me and with young people from across the diocese.”

“May the Lord bless you and your families, and keep you always close to His Sacred Heart.”

— Catholic News Herald. Photos by SueAnn Howell, Patricia Guilfoyle and James Sarkis.

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Your DSA contributions at work

The Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage is funded in part by the annual Diocesan Support Appeal. Learn more about the DSA and how to donate online at www.charlottediocese.org/dsa.



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