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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

083116 bishop curlin mother teresaCHARLOTTE — The Diocese of Charlotte is blessed to have a direct connection to one of the Church’s newest saints, Teresa of Calcutta. Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin, the third bishop of the diocese, was her longtime friend and confessor.

As the date of her canonization approaches, Bishop Curlin has been a sought-after resource on the life and legacy of this petite powerhouse of mercy.

His friendship with Mother Teresa lasted more than 20 years, until her death in 1997. And Mother Teresa’s ministry, the Missionaries of Charity, which now serves in more than 100 countries around the world, has a convent in east Charlotte where members of her order have cared for the poorest and most vulnerable for more than 20 years.

Pictured: Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin and Mother Teresa are pictured at the Charlotte Coliseum during her visit to the Queen City in 1995.

Mother Teresa herself visited Charlotte on June 13, 1995, to attend a private dedication of the convent and lead an ecumenical prayer service that attracted more than 19,000 people.

Bishop Curlin served for years as the spiritual director for the local Missionaries of Charity, and although he retired as bishop in 2002, he still celebrates Mass for the sisters regularly.

Bishop Curlin met Mother Teresa in the early 1970s when he was the pastor of a poor parish in Washington, D.C. He remembers celebrating Mass at the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception one Sunday, and Mother Teresa was there during a visit to the U.S. She approached him after Mass and asked if they could talk. They spent hours conversing about her plans to help the poor, and he was struck by her fervor and her faith.

Sometime after that, she phoned him from India to tell him he would be coming to give her and her sisters a retreat there. He told her that as a pastor of a poor parish he didn’t have the money to travel, but she was adamant about him leading the retreat. Sure enough, a friend gave him the money to fly to India for the first of what became many visits.

“It was a wonderful experience to meet her in her home environment and to be with her where she really began her ministry to the poor in the world,” Bishop Curlin says. He collaborated with her on several projects in the U.S., especially the Gift of Peace Home for AIDS patients, which opened in 1983 in Washington, D.C.

083116 clt bl motherteresa visit 1995“Mother kept saying to me, ‘If you’re going to do work, it’s not social work. It’s Jesus working through you,’” Bishop Curlin recalls.

The first time he helped bathe a dying leper in India she encouraged him, saying, “If you see with your heart, you will see Jesus lying here.” She also reminded him that “when you look at someone, you are looking at the face of God.”

Bishop Curlin shares that Mother Teresa believed when you hold a dying person in your arms, or when you feed a poor person or cradle a sick child in your arms, your hands are the hands of Jesus. And when you speak to someone, your voice echoes His heart.

“She said that our life as Christians is not to lock Christ up inside, it’s to let Him out of us. She actually believed when you woke up in the morning, God woke up in you. Through you, Jesus continues His works of mercy and love and reconciliation. If you have the heart for it, He will do this.”

“You must never close your heart to Jesus,” he recalls her saying.

“It helped me as a priest, as I had never learned that in seminary,” he adds.

“This was the action she taught me. When you go to the door to help a poor person, give them your heart, not just the sandwich in your hand.”

083116 Curlin and Missionaries of CharityBishop Curlin notes that “All for Jesus” was her motto, and she really believed through each of us, Jesus is made present in this world.

“Mother believed that Christians should be possessed by Jesus alone, and that love drives them out to the streets to serve the most needy. She said the greatest hunger is not physical hunger, it is the emptiness of God in us crying out for the fullness of God. The greatest hunger is for God, even if we don’t know Him.”

“It’s your life that proves you are a Christian,” he emphasizes. “...The love that comes out of you which is Christ-centered and reaches another person. Whether they are dying, or whether they are hungry or whether they are depressed – they are all hurting. You have to take away that pain.”

Bishop Curlin, who attended her funeral in Calcutta and submitted testimony to the Vatican on the cause for her canonization, believes Mother Teresa’s canonization during this Jubilee Year of Mercy is providential.

“I think it’s wonderful,” he says. “Mother said we’re always judging people. She said, ‘I fear sometimes people look at the Church and say it’s a courtroom – saying who are the washed, who are the unclean, who are the saved and who are the damned.’ She said instead of that, we should always carry in us what Our Lord carried in His ministry: a tender heart of mercy.

“So as a priest I never go into a confessional being harsh, but try to be as tender as I can,” he says. “When I meet people who say, ‘Father, it’s been so long, I don’t know where to begin,’ I say, ‘Welcome home.’ All because of Mother Teresa’s teaching.”

Bishop Curlin says he will always remember her joy and her smile, both trademarks of her ministry.

“Her joy was a gift, one of the precious gifts we need in the world today,” he says with admiration, adding that he tries to practice this wherever he goes.

“I smile at the many times we met, went on retreats together, worked together. I believe that she helped me more than I ever helped her. She would say to me, ‘You are my spiritual father, but you are also my son.’”

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter

083116 Bishop Curlin MTBishop Curlin holds a photo of Mother Teresa and him that he displays in his home.


080516.organistSinging praises for Eleanor

HAMLET — Organist Eleanor Adeimy has been the melody of St. James the Greater Parish for 60 years. Every smile, every hug and every good turn have been the notes she's played just as deftly as she's fingered the keys.

Now, at 93, Adeimy is ready to retire, and on July 23 the close-knit Hamlet parish family gathered to say thank you.

Mass was offered by Father Jean Pierre Swamunu Lhoposo, pastor, who only half-jokingly noted in his introductory prayer, "We pray God to send us another organist – another organist who is as patient, as kind as Eleanor."

Adeimy started playing the organ for the parish in 1956. The young wife, mother and nurse also played the piano, and thought her musical gifts could be put to good use. All three daughters grew up playing and singing beside her, which they say greatly enriched their faith and family life.

Adeimy now has 10 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. All three daughters and many more family members and friends were at the Mass to celebrate with her.

Also there were Father John Starczewski, the former pastor of St. James, and Benedictine Father Kieran Neilson of Belmont Abbey, who gave the homily.

Adeimy and Father Neilson have known each other for years. In his homily, Father Neilson recalled the many pilgrimages they had taken to Fatima, and he thanked her for her years of joyful service to the Church.

He encouraged parishioners to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, especially during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, and he entreated, "Pray that God will give you those things that you persistently pray for, and don't give up."

Appreciate what gifts God has given you, he also told them, and "use those gifts to the best of your ability, for His honor and glory and for the honor and glory of those with whom you live and those with whom you associate.

"God has given us life, He has given us everything we have. Let us, then, not take for granted those gifts."

080516-Retiring-organist-at-HamletHis message was echoed by members of the parish council after Mass, who expressed gratitude for Adeimy's gift of music to the parish over the past six decades.

"Your ministry of music has constantly lifted our hearts in praise and worship for the glory of God," said one parish council member.

They presented her with a crystal sculpture engraved with Psalm 40:3: "He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God."

Father Lhoposo also presented "our young sister" Adeimy with an apostolic blessing from Pope Francis.

Adeimy was at a loss for words in reaction to others' compliments and messages of thanks, but her face beamed as she laughed and talked with parishioners after Mass.

"When I was 75, I tried to retire," a smiling Adeimy told well-wishers gathered in the parish hall. Since 75 is the retirement age for bishops, she joked, "I thought I'd do the same." But a friend told her, "Eleanor, we can replace the bishop. We can't replace you!"

Parishioners agreed that Adeimy may be replaced as organist, but she is irreplaceable.

"She has been a gracious, uplifting, righteous person who has been kind and outgoing," said parishioner Ella Ratliff.

Butch Adeimy, one of her nephews, noted, "Had it not been for Eleanor, there would not have been any music in our church."

Gayla Eichorn has served alongside Adeimy for years. They divvied up the weekend Masses between them, and the two ladies have sung and played together for years. Eichorn sang the Communion hymn at the July 23 Mass, standing beside Adeimy, who was seated at the organ just as she has done so many times before.

"It was a huge gift to have her come up and play with me," Eichorn said afterwards. "Eleanor taught me how to pray. She taught me that when you sing, it's a prayer, not a performance."

For her part, Adeimy thanked Eichorn for their musical partnership over the years. "She has stood by me for almost 30 years. She has been very special to me. I couldn't have done it without her," Adeimy said.

Besides her musical ministry, Adeimy has been active in other aspects of the parish. She helped start the parish's annual barbecue several years ago, and still lends a hand at the successful fundraiser. She also encourages others to get involved in parish life. In fact, many parishioners nodded in agreement when Eichorn commented, "It's absolutely impossible to say no to Eleanor Adeimy."

"That's what she does: she runs things," Butch Adeimy said.

"There's nothing that she hasn't stepped up to do for people in need," said Connie Lindstrand, from cooking meals, sewing blankets and donating a wheelchair to sharing a smile and a warm hug with everyone she encounters.

"She believes in the good of all of us St. James family," added Kim Kondrat, who has known Adeimy since she was 8.

Parishioner Don Meany recounted the day he met Adeimy 30-plus years ago. After burning his hand, he had to go to the local doctor's office every day to have the dressing changed. Adeimy was the nurse who tended to him during each visit, and when she had to be absent one day she called in the other nurse to explain how to change his bandage just the right way.

"From that moment on she has been a very special person in my life," Meany said.

Every time he sees Adeimy, he said, "I could always expect a warm smile, a gentle hug and always a kind word.

"There's just nobody like her."

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, Editor