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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

022717 clt semWASHINGTON, D.C. — Deacon Brian Becker, Deacon Chris Bond, Deacon William Cook and Deacon Matthew Bean recently toured the office of the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, in Washington, D.C.

Archbishop Pierre, who also serves as chancellor of the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, where the four seminarians are studying, hosted them during their visit to the nation’s capital.

The tour is a long-standing tradition for each ordination class, and includes Mass, a formal brunch and a guided tour of the Nunciature.
— Photo provided by Eddie Arrossi Photography and Carolyn Dinovo

020317 latin massCHARLOTTE — A standing-room-only crowd packed the St. Ann’s cafeteria in Charlotte Feb. 1, to attend a talk by Father Jason Barone about the importance of Latin and the Mass.

Organized by St. Ann Parish and the Charlotte Latin Mass Community, the lecture attracted nearly 170 people from across Charlotte and even as far away as Greensboro.

The attendees learned about the importance of setting aside a sacred language solely for the worship of God. The use of a non-vernacular language like Latin connotes mystery which serves as a form of veiling that helps to reveal the importance of the relationship between God and man, Father Barone said. “The language between the bride and bridegroom in that relationship is going to be a very very special thing and ought to be protected. By acknowledging the mystery, we acknowledge we must always go deeper into that relationship," said Father Barone, who serves as assistant chaplain at Charlotte Catholic High School and priest in residence at St. Ann Church.

The program concluded with Father Barone offering a special Latin blessing for candles, as Feb. 1 was the Vigil of the ancient Feast of Candles (Candlemas or Feast of the Presentation), which has an ancient custom to bless candles in honor of Christ being the “light for the revelation of the gentiles” as declared by the prophet Simeon when Christ was presented to him at temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:32). The blessed candles can then be used to bless throats the following day, on the Feast of St. Blaise.

The Charlotte Latin Mass Community, a lay run apostolate at St. Ann’s, organizes the quarterly Latin Mass classes and plans to post the Feb. 1 talk on St. Ann's website in the weeks ahead. To learn more about Latin Mass or future events, please email Chris Lauer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.charlottelatinmass.org.

— Mike FitzGerald, correspondent. Photo by John Cosmas, correspondent