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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

082324 Camp JoshuaFather Peter Ascik, director of the Diocese of Charlotte’s Family Life Office, speaks to teens at Camp Joshua. (Mike FitzGerald)HUNTERSVILLE — Teens from across the Diocese of Charlotte gathered for fellowship and learning at the annual Camp Joshua pro-life teen camp held July 26-27 at St. Mark Church.

The teens received helpful instruction on what the U.S. bishops have declared the preeminent moral issue of the day, ending abortion, and learned from seasoned pro-life experts on how to advocate for the dignity of human life from philosophical, medical and scientific perspectives – all to help prepare the teens to advocate and share pro-life principles.

Speakers at the event included Father Peter Ascik, director of the diocese’s Family Life Office; Dr. Matthew Harrison, a St. Mark parishioner and doctor who pioneered the abortion pill reversal method; and Dr. Bill Pincus, president of North Carolina Right to Life. Attendees also heard a presentation by Victoria Fonville, founder of Pro-Life Social, an organization for young adults to remain involved in pro-life work after college.

At the start of the Saturday session, attendees watched a powerful and impactful livestream report from sidewalk counselors praying in front of an abortion facility in Greensboro.

Camp Joshua is annual event organized by North Carolina Right to Life and was co-sponsored by Carolina Pro-Life Action Network (C-PLAN) and St. Mark Parish’s Respect Life committee.

For more information about future Camp Joshua programs, visit North Carolina Right to Life at www.ncrtl.org.

— Mike FitzGerald