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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

042817 scoutsMIDLAND — Nearly 500 young people and adults from 21 parishes attended the Diocese of Charlotte’s annual Catholic Camporee March 31-April 2 at Belk Scout Camp.

At this year’s Camporee, a record number of five Boy Scouts – Nicolas Martinez, Christopher Day, Zeke Adams, Franklin Burgess and Nathan Russell – received the Pillars of Faith Award for having earned all four Catholic religious emblems (the Light of Christ, Parvuli Dei, Ad Altare Dei and the Pope Pius XII). All five are members of Troop 958 from St. Leo the Great Church in Winston-Salem.

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle | Catholic News Herald

041417 bishop holy thursCHARLOTTE — St. Patrick Cathedral was filled to capacity Thursday evening as Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The liturgy marked the start of the Triduum, the three holy days preceding the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter.

The Triduum "is like a retreat that the Church gives us now at the end of Lent to bring us into Easter to make sure that we are focused and ready for the great celebration that is about to come on Easter Sunday," Bishop Jugis said during his homily. "It is our love for Jesus that brings us here this evening to this Mass of the Lord's Supper, and … a desire to be close to Jesus in the special days that follow."

The Mass of the Lord's Supper recalls Jesus' institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, His washing the feet of His disciples, His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and His betrayal and arrest.

Through the Eucharist – "this beautiful sacrament of His Body and Blood," this "living bread come down from heaven" – Jesus fulfills His promise "that He would be with us to the end of time," Bishop Jugis noted.

He also reflected on Jesus' words from the day's Gospel (John 13:1-15), "Do you realize what I have done for you?"

Jesus said these words after He had washed His disciples' feet, showing by example the humility and charity He wants them to follow. But those words could also apply to the Eucharist, Bishop Jugis said, and it is a question we should all ask ourselves.

"Do you realize what He has done for you, in giving you His living Presence in the Eucharist? Have you ever taken a moment to reflect upon that?" he asked the congregation.

"Do you realize the strength and the grace that is available to you in your daily living because of His living Presence in the Eucharist?

"Do you realize what a gift you have in the living Body and Blood of Christ, so that you can have His life within you? The Eucharist is alive!"

He prayed in conclusion, "May the Lord Jesus fill us with His love as we draw close to Him this evening, and may we remain close to Him throughout these holy days that are upon us."

At the end of the Holy Thursday Mass, altars in every church were stripped bare, candles and lights were extinguished, and the Blessed Sacrament was transferred to a temporary altar of repose until Easter – outwardly demonstrating the sense of the Church's bereavement during the time of Christ's Passion and burial.

Catholics then spent time in Eucharistic Adoration, recalling Jesus' words to His sleepy disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, "Could you not keep watch with Me for one hour?"

On Good Friday, no Mass is celebrated.

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, editor

SYLVA —Holy Thursday Mass and Reposition of the Eucharist at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sylva with Father Joshua Voitus. (By Della Sue Bryson)
SYLVA —Holy Thursday Mass and Reposition of the Eucharist at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sylva with Father Joshua Voitus. (By Della Sue Bryson)
Father Alex Ayala, Pastor at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission, washes the feet of parishioners during Holy Thursday Mass recreating the tradition of service begun by Jesus at the Last Supper. (By Craig Allen)
Father Alex Ayala, Pastor at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission, washes the feet of parishioners during Holy Thursday Mass recreating the tradition of service begun by Jesus at the Last Supper. (By Craig Allen)
CHARLOTTE — Nearly 200 faithful traveled across the city to attend the first Holy Thursday Latin Mass at the Charlotte Catholic High School Chapel on Thursday April 13. (Photos by John Cosmas)
CHARLOTTE — Nearly 200 faithful traveled across the city to attend the first Holy Thursday Latin Mass at the Charlotte Catholic High School Chapel on Thursday April 13. (Photos by John Cosmas)
CHARLOTTE — The Mass, which was sponsored by St. Ann parish, marked the beginning of the first diocesan Easter Triduum in the Extraordinary Form since the diocese was established in 1971.
CHARLOTTE — The Mass, which was sponsored by St. Ann parish, marked the beginning of the first diocesan Easter Triduum in the Extraordinary Form since the diocese was established in 1971.
CHARLOTTE — Father Jason Barone, priest in residence at St. Ann parish in Charlotte and chaplain at Charlotte Catholic High School, offered this historic and solemn liturgy.  The Mass was accompanied by Gregorian chant provided by the St. Ann¹s choir and
CHARLOTTE — Father Jason Barone, priest in residence at St. Ann parish in Charlotte and chaplain at Charlotte Catholic High School, offered this historic and solemn liturgy. The Mass was accompanied by Gregorian chant provided by the St. Ann¹s choir and
St. Ann in Charlotte (By SueAnn Howell)
St. Ann in Charlotte (By SueAnn Howell)
St. Ann in Charlotte (By SueAnn Howell)
St. Ann in Charlotte (By SueAnn Howell)
SHELBY — Father Michael Kottar followed by the congregation of St. Mary Help of Christians taking the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose. (by Giuliana Polinari Riley)
SHELBY — Father Michael Kottar followed by the congregation of St. Mary Help of Christians taking the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose. (by Giuliana Polinari Riley)
JEFFERSON — Adoration at St. Francis of Assisi on Holy Thursday. ( By Patrick Hession)
JEFFERSON — Adoration at St. Francis of Assisi on Holy Thursday. ( By Patrick Hession)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Matthew Church in Charlotte (By Tara Heilingoetter)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
St. Mark Huntersville (By Amy Burger)
WINSTON SALEM — Holy Thursday at Our Lady of Mercy (Provided via Facebook)
WINSTON SALEM — Holy Thursday at Our Lady of Mercy (Provided via Facebook)
BOONVILLE — Divine Redeemer Church (By Sergio Lopez)
BOONVILLE — Divine Redeemer Church (By Sergio Lopez)
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