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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

081817 ccdocCHARLOTTE — Artwork painted by fourth- and fifth-grade students at St. Gabriel School was recently put on display at the Charlotte office of Catholic

Charities Diocese of Charlotte. The students, members of the Charlotte school’s Junior Disciples Club, created the works of art during their spring semester.

The Junior Disciples Club is a group of philanthropic students from St. Gabriel School whose purpose is “Children Helping Children.” From this mission statement, club members take part in a variety of activities to aid children locally, nationally and internationally. Activities range from fundraising and participating in Charlotte’s CROP Walk to donation drives for Samaritan’s Feet’s efforts to support Syrian refugees.

The artwork serves to inspire everyone who works at Catholic Charities’ Charlotte office, one of five locations for the diocesan agency that has been serving people in need across western North Carolina since 1949. Learn more about Catholic Charities and how you can help at www.ccdoc.org.

— Photos provided by Tammy S. Greyshock and Gina Bonfiglio

081817 ccdoc artwork081817 ccdoc artwork

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners across the Diocese of Charlotte have the chance to help victims of the recent Hurricane Harvey disaster on the weekends of Sept. 2-3 and Sept. 9-10 through a special collection taken up at Masses at participating parishes.

The special collection will fund both short-term emergency aid as well as long-term disaster recovery efforts.
Donations should be made payable to one’s local parish, noted for “Disaster Relief.” Donations will be forwarded by parishes to the diocesan finance office, which will then distribute the funds to Church partners offering disaster relief and recovery to affected communities.
In a Aug. 29 memo to pastors about this collection, Monsignor Mauricio West, vicar general and chancellor of the diocese, wrote, “As you are no doubt aware, communities in southeast Texas and the surrounding region have been struck by devastating flooding and high winds caused by Hurricane Harvey.

This disaster has created a situation beyond which the local communities and agencies cannot handle without outside assistance.” Monsignor West also encouraged prayers at this time: “Let us pray for all those impacted by disasters such as this recent tragedy and for a generous response to those in need.”

 — Catholic News Herald

USCCB leader invites bishops to take up collection for storm recovery

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, asked bishops across the country to consider a special collection to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast.

He suggested in an Aug. 28 letter to bishops that the collection be taken during Masses the weekend of Sept. 2-3 or Sept. 9-10.

"Our hearts and prayers go out to the families that have lost loved ones and to all who have lost homes and businesses along with their sense of normalcy. We also stand with our brother bishops in the region who have the difficult task of providing pastoral care in these most trying times while managing their own losses. Our prayerful and financial support is urgently needed," he wrote.

Funds collected will support emergency aid and recovery efforts under Catholic Charities USA and pastoral and rebuilding support to the affected dioceses through the bishops' conference.

The storm has dumped as much as four feet of rain on some areas of Texas and Louisiana, weather observers have reported. Thousands of people have evacuated flooded homes and communities and remained in emergency shelters across the region.

Among the most affected areas are the Diocese of Victoria and the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, which Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, USCCB president, oversees. Numerous parishes and schools have been flooded while others have offered facilities as shelter. Parishes have also helped distribute food and emergency supplies to storm victims.

"Together with Cardinal DiNardo and the bishops throughout the affected region, I express deep gratitude to the first responders and countless volunteers who are assisting the Gulf Coast region in countless ways," Archbishop Gomez wrote.

— Catholic News Service

Where to give to assist with Hurricane Harvey recovery

Several organizations have established emergency relief operations for the thousands of people affected by Hurricane Harvey and the floods in Texas and Louisiana.

Contributions can be made to:
-- Catholic Charities USA: online at https://catholiccharitiesusa.org; telephone at 800-919-9338; mail to P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore, Maryland, 21297-1066 and write "Hurricane Harvey" in the memo line of the check.
-- Texas Catholics Conference is coordinating emergency services. A listing by diocese of where to give has been posted online at https://txcatholic.org/harvey/.
-- Local dioceses are expected to initiate special collections during weekend Masses Sept. 2-3 or Sept. 9-10. Funds will benefit Catholic Charities USA's disaster relief efforts as well as pastoral and rebuilding support through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.