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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

121217 guadFOREST CITY — Las Mañanitas were celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City, on Dec. 10, ahead of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, to allow more people to participate.

The celebration began at 5 a.m. with recitation of the rosary and Holy Mass, followed by breakfast in the parish hall.

It continued in the afternoon with procession carrying images of Our Lady of Guadalupe and reciting the rosary, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Children performed a skit narrating the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Juan Diego, followed by Holy Mass with live music.

Festivities concluded with a meal and traditional dances in the parish hall.

Pictured are children carrying image of Our Lady of Guadalupe lead procession reciting the Holy Rosary and adoration.

— Photos by Giuliana Riley, Catholic News Herald

121217 Adoration

121117 rorateCHARLOTTE — Despite wintry weather, many Charlotte faithful traveled in the early morning hours Dec. 9 to attend St. Thomas Aquinas Church’s annual Rorate Mass in the Extraordinary Form. For this special liturgy held traditionally before sunrise, the church is lit with only candlelight.

The name for the Mass comes from the opening words of the Introit (Entrance Antiphon), from Isaiah 45:8: “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant iustum,” or “Drop down dew, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness.”

As custom, the Mass was offered as a votive Mass of Our Lady right before dawn during Advent to welcome the coming of the Light of the World and to honor Mary’s role in bringing forth the Savior.

The Solemn High Mass was offered by Father Matthew Kauth, rector of St. Joseph College Seminary in Charlotte, and assisted by Father Jason Christian, parochial vicar at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Gastonia and Father Matthew Bean, parochial vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

St. Michael Church also offered its own Rorate Mass that morning with pastor Father Matthew Buettner.

Additional Rorate Masses are scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 16: St. Michael the Archangel in Gastonia at 6 a.m. and St. Ann Church in Charlotte at 6:30 a.m. For more information, go to www.charlottelatinmass.org.

— Photos by John Cosmas | Catholic News Herald

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