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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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Does your parish help run a food pantry, operate a thrift store, or sponsor an emergency services program in your community? If so, consider applying for a CRS Rice Bowl Mini-Grant for up to $1,000.

Grant applications will be accepted through the postmark deadline of Oct. 15.

Information about this grant program (including application, guidelines and eligibility criteria) is available at www.ccdoc.org/cchdcrs.

Funded projects must be sponsored by Diocese of Charlotte entities. Grant applications must be reviewed, approved and signed by the parish pastor, office/department head, or school principal. Parishes and Catholic entities in the diocese which received a CRS Rice Bowl Mini-Grant in the most recent Spring 2016 round are not eligible to apply in this special round of grants, but are eligible to apply in next year’s round of grants.