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Catholic News Herald

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053012 arnsparger

GASTONIA — The feast of Pentecost marked a special milestone for Father Roger K. Arnsparger, pastor of St. Michael Church and diocesan vicar of education. His bishop, Peter J. Jugis, along with clergy and laity from around the Diocese of Charlotte celebrated Mass on May 27 to honor his 35th anniversary of ordination.

Bishop Jugis, the main celebrant, pointed out that the feast of Pentecost, which commemorates the Holy Spirit igniting and expanding the Church from its beginnings in the Upper Room over the centuries and around the world, is also a celebration of God's grace flowing into our lives and our vocations.

This "river of grace" flows from Jesus, and is seen today in the clergy of the Church. Priests are instruments of grace, Bishop Jugis noted, and in their priestly ministry they extend the grace of the Holy Spirit through the sacraments into people's lives.

"The Holy Spirit turns us away from our selfishness and frees us to be self-giving and in service to others," he said of the priesthood. "The Holy Spirit makes Jesus' self-giving love come alive in us."

053012-arnsparger1Father Arnsparger, who grew up in a Protestant home and is a Catholic convert, was ordained May 14, 1977.

"The priest whom we are honoring today was swept off his feet 35 years ago by the river of grace of the Holy Spirit flowing through Jesus," said Bishop Jugis. "The Holy Spirit transformed him into an 'alter Christus' ('another Christ'), giving him a new identity, by the grace of the sacrament of holy orders imprinting that indelible character on his soul.

"Through him, then, the Holy Spirit has continued to do what the Holy Spirit does best. He has used Father's priestly ministry as an instrument to even further extend the graces of holiness – to extend that grace into the lives of many more Christians."

After Mass, a reception was held in the parish activity center on the church campus.

Several groups of children sang in Father Arnsparger's honor during the luncheon. The students and staff of St. Michael School also presented him with a large, handmade rosary they made for him from colored construction paper, a basket filled with prayer intentions, and a video of the students singing and sharing well-wishes.

"On behalf of all the school – students, parents and PTO – we thank you for all you do for us," said Joseph Puceta, principal of St. Michael School.

Parishioners of St. Michael Church, represented by members of the pastoral council and vocations committee, presented Father Arnsparger with a framed photograph of him meeting Pope Benedict XVI in Rome on May 7 during Bishop Jugis' recent ad limina visit. They have also contacted the Vatican to arrange for a papal blessing to commemorate the anniversary of his ordination.

"Thank you to everyone for your many, many kindnesses to me. It has been a privilege to enjoy the graces that God gives me in the privilege of being a priest," Father Arnsparger said after the presentations.

"Every time we celebrate a sacrament, the priest is filled with joy in his heart that he is permitted to extend the ministry of Jesus' cross and resurrection," he added. "Let us continue to pray for our young men to listen to Our Lord's call to serve the family of the Church and the evangelization of the world as His loyal and loving priests."

— SueAnn Howell, staff writer

Below is a photos slideshow and video from the Mass.