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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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‘We are not asking government and elected officials to do our job of preaching the gospel. Rather, we are asking them to do theirs,’ Msgr. Winslow preaches at March for Life Mass in D.C.

020221 mfl nc 3WASHINGTON, D.C. — We have the privileged position this morning to represent thousands across North Carolina, and more broadly across the nation, who would otherwise be here at the 2021 March for Life. We also have the honored distinction this morning of being the one group who didn’t cancel coming to Washington, D.C., to celebrate Mass at the basilica, our national shrine. We certainly understand the difficult situation COVID-19 presents. Nonetheless, we thought it was important to have some representation here this year.

Years ago, back in the early 1990s, some priests you see here in the sanctuary and I were students across the street at the seminary. I remember the first time I ever attended a March for Life. It was January 1994. I was amazed to discover so many people came to Washington on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. As seminarians we walked together down Constitution Avenue to the U.S. Supreme Court. As I am sure you know from your past experience, the mingling and converging crowds make it difficult to stay with your group. Before I knew it, I found myself walking with a young family. We introduced ourselves and continued to talk. Over the course of the march, the family and I began to form a friendship that would develop and grow even stronger over the course of many years. Eventually they shared with me that their presence at the march was personally motivated. That is to say, the issue of abortion had a direct impact on their family. In time, I came to discover that many people who come to this march are motivated not by some remote connection to the issue. Rather, they have felt the effects of abortion and feel compelled to let people know what they realized – specifically, abortion is a lie. It is a very seductive deception to think that one can undo an unhoped-for pregnancy. When couples and women find themselves facing an unhoped-for pregnancy, there is a strong desire to believe there is a way to undo what has been done, that it’s not too late. The simple truth is, no one can roll back the hands of time, no matter how much we may want to. Their message, born of experience, is also the message of the Church: once life has begun, that fact cannot be ignored.

Each year at the March for Life, among those giving witness to this message are throngs of Catholic faithful. As the voice of Christ proclaiming the gospel to the contemporary world, the Church speaks with clarity, mercy, hope and, for those who have fallen prey to the lie, she offers an opportunity to begin again. We are here to expose the half-truth that abortion truly is. Yes. Abortion will make the pregnancy go away. That part is true. But, no. Abortion cannot un-impregnate. It cannot undo what has been done. Rather, it extinguishes a life. As we fulfill our mission of proclaiming the truth, so often referred to as the Gospel of Life, our message is a counterpoint to the hidden message of death. Contemporary culture has woven together truth and lies; personal freedom and the moral power to choose is woven together with the unjust taking of a life as if one legitimates other.

We understand that it is the Church’s responsibility to speak up. To be clear, our political efforts are not an attempt to use the power of civil governance to compel citizens to live according to Catholic doctrine. We don’t seek to change the laws in order to coerce people to do what we think is right. What we are attempting to say in the political sphere is that there are certain issues that belong to the responsibility of any just state. Preeminent among them is to physically protect the innocent and the vulnerable. This is a minimum responsibility of state and society. We are not asking government and elected officials to do our job of preaching the gospel. Rather, we are asking them to do theirs. For this reason, the pro-life movement brings together people from all different creeds that come here on the anniversary of the ill-considered Supreme Court decision narrowly passed. We are saying to the electorate and their representatives: Do your job. Fulfill the minimum responsibility of the state.

As for the Church, we will continue to fulfill ours. We will preach the truth with love, mercy and hope while invoking the power of grace and conversion regardless of the political whims of the day, in season and out of season.

Back in the early years of seminary, I remember an occasion when Mother Teresa visited this basilica. She sat right here. I would like to recall her words today. She would say to her sisters, ‘Ours is not to be successful, our responsibility is to be faithful.’ This wise counsel applies to all of us. We must never lose sight that in the end, God wins. In His way, all wrongs will be made right. But in the meantime, how everything will play out is not for us to know. We surrender our efforts into His hands. Whether it’s the pro-life effort or any other right and good cause, our role is fidelity.

— Adapted from the homily given by Msgr. Patrick J. Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte, during a Jan. 29 Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., during the 2021 March for Life. Photo provided by Matthew Ferrante