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Catholic News Herald

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080115-deacon-commitment-mass'The Church accepts your resolve with joy'


CHARLOTTE — Fifteen men have been formally accepted into the Diocese of Charlotte's permanent diaconate formation program.

During a July 31 Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Peter Jugis, the men were received during the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders. Also during the Mass, more than 50 of the diocese's current permanent deacons professed their recommitment to their ministry. The deacons' wives were also present and also recommitted to assisting their husbands in the work of the Church.

Addressing the candidates during his homily, Bishop Jugis explained to them that the Rite of Candidacy is a rite which one formally becomes a candidate for the sacrament of holy orders.

"The one who aspires to the permanent diaconate first publicly manifests his will to offer himself to God and to the Church for sacred ministry," Bishop Jugis said. "This public declaration our brothers will do shortly when they respond to the two questions I ask them, 'Do you resolve to complete your preparation?' and 'Do you resolve to prepare yourselves in mind and spirit to give faithful service?'

"And then after formally, publicly manifesting their will to enter into this period of preparation, the Church formally accepts them into the ranks of candidates, choosing them and calling them to prepare themselves to receive the sacrament of holy orders."

The rite is actually brief but quite an important step for holy orders, he said.

"It is a passage to a new status in the Church as a candidate now for holy orders – not a status of prestige, but a status of a different designation of who you are in the Church: no longer an aspirant but now becoming a candidate.

"Before ever arriving at this day, my brothers, much discernment has already taken place on your part and on the part of those who know you. You have been learning to trust Jesus as He leads you. And now as formal candidates for holy orders, a more intense formation for the permanent diaconate is about to begin.

"The Lord gives you special graces now as a candidate pursuing your vocation to the diaconate."

He told the men that the Gospel passage chosen for the Mass of Admission to Candidacy (Mark 1:14-20) teaches an important lesson about giving themselves to Jesus, essential for them as they proceed with their formation.

"Your situation may be likened to that of the four disciples in today's Gospel passage: Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. They are pursuing their work as fishermen and then Jesus issues a call to them: 'Come after Me.'" They respond by following Him, crossing the threshold into a period of more intense formation for being sent out one day as His apostles.

"And so with you, in being accepted today into the ranks of candidates, you are crossing a threshold into a period of more intense formation and preparation for the sacrament of holy orders and being sent out one day as deacons."

Bishop Jugis reminded the 15 candidates that "Jesus has brought you this far along your path already and He wants you to give yourselves to Him as He leads you through the coming years of formation. Spend time with the Lord in prayer during these years of more intense formation."

He noted that the men are blessed to have the support of their wives who were with them and their families, the support of their friends and the support of the Church to help them on the path towards the diaconate.

"If it is God's will, one day you will be at the priest's side assisting him as he offers the Sacrifice of the Mass," he promised.

Each of the candidates was then called forward by Deacon Scott Gilfillan, director of formation for the permanent diaconate, and stood at the base of the sanctuary steps in front of the bishop.

"Beloved sons, the pastors and teachers in charge of your formation and others who know you have given a favorable account of you and we have full confidence in their testimony," he told them. "In response to the Lord's call, do you resolve to complete your preparation so that in due time through holy orders you will be prepared to assume ministry within the Church?"

"I do," they responded.

"Do you resolve to prepare yourselves in mind and spirit to give faithful service to Christ the Lord and His Body the Church?"

"I do."

"The Church accepts your resolve with joy. May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment."

After the Liturgy of the Eucharist, more than 50 permanent deacons from around the diocese stood in the pews to renew their commitment to their ministry.

"Your presence here, my dear brother deacons, this evening speaks of the vitality of the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Charlotte," Bishop Jugis told them. "The fact that you are here to renew your own commitment of service to the Lord and to the Church, and also that you are here besides that to support your brothers who become candidates this evening, does speak of your love for the sacred order which you have received and of the vitality of the ministry which you exercise."

He also observed, "These candidates must have seen something in you over the years that inspired them to listen more closely to a call from God to the permanent diaconate. They must have seen in your devotion and your love for Jesus and your love of the Church something which triggered an inspiration in their own heart and the Lord speaking to them through your ministry to call them also to come and follow Him in the service in the Church.

"You are acting as instruments of the Lord many times in unknowing ways – inspiring future generations of deacons to follow you, and not only them but also all the members of the family of the Church. We are so grateful for your devoted, sincere, loving ministry to Christ, and to the poor, the needy, the homeless, the sick and all the people of the Church.

"Thank you so much."

All of the permanent deacons then recommitted themselves to their ministry by answering Bishop Jugis' questions with a resounding "I do."

Their wives then also stood to renew their support for their husbands' ministry.
And of their ministry he also said to them, "May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment.

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter

Permanent deacon candidates:

Paul Bruck
St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte

Ralph D'Agostino Jr.
St. Leo the Great Church, Winston-Salem

David Faunce
Immaculate Conception Church, Forest City

Steffen Fohn
Holy Family Church, Clemmons

Frank Moyer
St. Barnabas Church, Arden

Timothy Mueller
St. Michael the Archangel Church, Gastonia

Matthew Newsome
St. Mary Mother of God Church, Sylva

Quang Nguyen
St. Joseph Vietnamese Church, Charlotte

David Ramsey III
St. Mary Mother of God Church, Sylva

Martin Sheehan Jr.
Our Lady of the Highways Church, Thomasville

Francis Skinner
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, High Point

Paul Sparrow
St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Charlotte

Peter Tonon
St. Ann Church, Charlotte

Donald Waugh Jr.
St. Bernadette Church, Linville

Jack Yarbrough
Our Lady of Grace Church, Greensboro