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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — The Legion of Mary and Teams of Our Lady are two apostolates with a presence in the Diocese of Charlotte that encourage participants to grow in love of Christ through the example and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

While the Legion of Mary focuses on one’s personal growth in holiness and serving others in the community, Teams of Our Lady is a married couples movement in which both husband and wife grow together in their faith.

The Legion of Mary is a nearly 100-year-old international lay apostolate whose primary purpose is to lead people to Christ through His Blessed Virgin Mother so they can benefit from the love and mercy of God.

“Specifically, the Legion of Mary seeks to lead the people we encounter in our works to a greater knowledge and faith in God and to increase the faith and holiness of our own members through prayer and service to Our Lord,” explains member Eve Smith.

It is open to all Catholics with a desire to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of Mary. Catholics 18 or older can join adult praesidia. Catholics younger than 18 can join junior Legion of Mary praesidia.

Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement in the Church designed to enrich married couples’ spirituality and strengthen their marriages. Teams provide a proven method of increasing and improving prayer life, which will help couples grow closer to God and to each other.

Under the patronage of Mary, members strive to follow and imitate her “yes” to God through prayer, Scripture and the sacraments. Members understand Mary is the perfect disciple and follower of Christ who takes everything and everyone to her Son.

The Magnificat – Mary’s proclamation of God’s greatness – is prayed daily by Teams couples in communion with fellow Teams members worldwide.

A team is comprised of five to seven couples whose marriage is recognized in the eyes of the Church. The team meets once a month at each other’s homes or in a church meeting room or outside, if necessary.

Mary Ann and Jim Kirchner of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte joined Teams of Our Lady in 2000 when it was brought to the parish by Mary Pat and Vince Arosetegui when the couple moved from Va. They are now one of the Charlotte sector couples assisting other couples in the area in their faith journey.

“The support and encouragement we receive from couples in our Team and our sector have been such a blessing over the years in our marriage and in our walk with the Lord. There is nothing quite like having married friends who share similar faith and values,” Mary Ann Kirchner said.

“While we enjoy seeing other couples grow deeper in their faith and connect with one another forming lifelong friendships, we have received abundant gifts of faith and friendship in serving in this role,” she added.

Currently there are 10 active Teams in the Charlotte area. Couples come from local parishes including St. Matthew, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Luke, St. Ann and St. Peter Church and St. Patrick Cathedral.

— SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter

Learn more

Learn more about The Legion of Mary at www.legionofmary.ie. Questions? Contact Eve Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Information on Teams of Our Lady is online at www.teamsofourlady.org. Questions? Contact Mary Ann and Jim Kirchner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..