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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — On this Third Sunday of Easter, Bishop Peter Jugis encouraged the faithful during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, reminding people that Jesus is with them at this difficult time.

During the April 26 Mass livestreamed from St. Patrick Cathedral, the bishop reflected on the day’s Gospel reading from Luke 24:13-35, which describes the encounter the two disciples on the road to Emmaus had with Jesus.

In his bilingual homily, Bishop Jugis said Jesus stays with us today – in the Eucharist, in our families and in our prayers. Jesus wants to stay with us, when we ask Him.

“Let us follow the example of those two disciples and let us ourselves also ask the Lord, ‘Stay with us.’ Especially at this time when we need Him so much,” he said.

“We are experiencing a time of trial and testing and we are making many sacrifices in order to prevent the further spread of the virus. So we need the Lord to stay with us, to protect us, and to help us to be kind and considerate of others, to help us to be generous in helping others at this time.”

“Yes, the Risen Lord is with us. He is not distant.

“This is the encouraging message of Easter: that our Risen Lord walks at our side on our journeys just as He did with His two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Not only that He walks at our side, but that He wants to stay with us, His people.

“As we are limping along with stay-at-home orders and prohibitions on large gatherings, lean on Him on the journey. He is here, He is here to be with us.”

— Catholic News Herald