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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — “Jesus is not a dead historical figure confined to the past. He is the living Lord with whom we have a personal relationship now,” Bishop Peter J. Jugis told the faithful during  Easter Masses at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte April 11 and 12.

“This is the amazing fact of history, which we celebrate today, and in fact which we celebrate every day in the Church: Jesus rose from the dead in His glorified human body. He accomplished our eternal salvation and He, our glorious Risen Savior, remains with us now and always,” Bishop Jugis said.

The liturgies commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ began with the blessing of the Paschal fire and lighting of the Paschal candle outside the cathedral's front door at dusk April 11.

Normally, hundreds of people process behind Bishop Jugis – candles in hand – into the darkened cathedral.

This year, because of restrictions related to preventing the spread of COVID-19, only the cathedral's clergy carried candles that were lit from the Paschal candle as hundreds watched the live-streamed Mass from their own homes across the Diocese of Charlotte.

A second live-streamed Mass was celebrated by the bishop on Sunday morning, again to a near-empty cathedral. But the bishop's message was one of hope – hope in Christ and His salvific work.

“Why did Jesus, the Son of God, come down from heaven to Earth? For the salvation for the human race,” Bishop Jugis continued in his homily.

“By His suffering, death and resurrection, He accomplished His work of salvation of the human race. He restored us to friendship with God by becoming the sacrifice for our sins.

“He is the salvation of humanity.”

During the Easter liturgy, he noted, “we bless the water that will be used for the sacrament of baptism, and we renew the promises of our own baptism during this Mass,” Bishop Jugis said. “Why do we renew the promises of baptism at Easter? Why is baptism associated especially with the Easter season? The Risen Lord is the salvation of the human race, and He accomplished that salvation through His cross and resurrection.”

“Baptism in Christ is when we first experience that grace of salvation,” he continued. “We are introduced to a new life of grace, with our sins forgiven, to be faithful to God’s commandments at our baptism. Baptism is the first sacrament that begins the journey of salvation, and that’s what Easter is all about — salvation and a new life in Christ.”

“Yes, no more turning away from God,” he said. “We are set on a new path of friendship with God and Jesus. So, when you renew the promises of your baptism in this Easter Mass, resolve once again to be faithful in serving God as a baptized Catholic Christian, following His commandments.”

“We live as a new creation in the Risen Lord Jesus, as members of His mystical Body. And we bring the peace, the love and the presence of the Risen Christ to every person – no matter what their needs, or struggles, or sufferings, or sorrows, or distress.”

“And there is more than enough trial and testing that we are experiencing these days with the virus pandemic,” he added. “But we remember Jesus’ words: ‘Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.’

“The Risen Lord Jesus refreshes us, gives us rest, through the Holy Spirit and He makes us His messengers of peace, hope, encouragement and new life.”


'That’s what Easter is all about — salvation and a new life in Christ.' — Bishop Peter J. Jugis

The Easter Vigil is typically when new Catholics enter the Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). However, as preparations were suddenly halted by the pandemic, those catechumens and candidates planning to receive the sacraments of baptism, first Holy Communion and confirmation will enter the Church at Pentecost this year.

Bishop Jugis prayed that everyone would experience the joy of Easter:

“I wish all of you God’s blessings and peace, and especially that you will have Easter joy this day, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. And that this Easter joy will remain with you always.”

— Catholic News Herald. Photos by SueAnn Howell, senior reporter.

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