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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter J. Jugis delivered a special message to his brother priests during the Chrism Mass broadcast live from a near-empty St. Patrick Cathedral: “The Lord’s faithful need you, especially at this time.”

During this solemn annual liturgy, a tradition of Holy Week, all of the priests of the diocese ordinarily renew their ordination promises. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a couple representatives were present April 7 to renew their promises.

“This renewal of promises today does take on special meaning as our priests continue to carry out their ministry faithfully in the present distress of the coronavirus pandemic, which quite possibly is a distress unprecedented in all their years of priesthood to date," Bishop Jugis noted, "where there is widespread fear on the part of many people, concern for their own well-being and the well-being of others – and rightly so.”

The bishop praised the work of the priests of the Diocese of Charlotte during this unprecedented time of fear and uncertainty.

Priests across western North Carolina have been offering "drive-through" confessions, placing the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance viewable from their church windows so that people may go to Eucharistic Adoration from inside their cars in the parking lot, rigging up their cell phones and webcams to offer their private daily Masses on Facebook Live and YouTube, and more – all while still making hospital visits, administering last rites and offering funeral Masses within the allowable public health protocols.

“I’m grateful for the way our priests have carried on their ministry while still respecting the restrictions necessary to protect everyone’s health," he said.

“All of our priests – diocesan and religious – are outstanding examples of complete, untiring dedication to Christ Jesus in the midst of this crisis. We see their love for the Lord demonstrated in all their ministry to Christ’s flock. Jesus is the love and the hope that we bring to our parishioners.”

He urged them to "continue to nourish our parishioners on Christ’s love and assure them of the Lord’s care for each one of them during this time of trial and testing."

"The Church’s message of salvation continues in the midst of the present distress, and we are charged to proclaim Christ risen from the dead," he assured everyone listening to the Mass streamed live on the diocese's YouTube channel.

Christ “remains with us all days, even until the end of the age," he said. “He is our hope and our life.”

During the Chrism Mass, the bishop also blessed the holy oils of the sick and catechumens, and consecrated the sacred chrism.
Clergy representatives included Father John Putnam, pastor of St. Mark Church in Huntersville and the judicial vicar for the diocese, and Father Timothy Reid, pastor of St. Ann Church in Charlotte and vicar forane of the Charlotte vicariate.

As an alternative, Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Monroe, asked his parishioners to receive his renewal of priestly promises during his private daily Mass streamed on the parish’s Facebook page.

“I want to renew my promises to Christ and His Church,” he said, although he could not be at the cathedral this year.

“And so, I ask you, my beloved in Christ Jesus, to receive the renewal of my priestly promises as you have received me as one who shares in the ministry which comes from the apostles.

“I resolve, before Almighty God and before you, to unite myself more closely to the Lord Jesus and carry out my sacred duties towards Christ’s Church for love of Him and in a spirit of joyful obedience.
“I resolve, before Almighty God and before you, to be a faithful steward of the mysteries of God in the Holy Eucharist and the other liturgical rites and to discharge the sacred office of teaching for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

“I ask of you to pray for me that Christ our High priest may pour out his gifts abundantly on me that even in my unworthiness I will echo the voice of the Good Shepherd and walk with you to the Kingdom of God.”

Hundreds of people watched the Mass streamed live on YouTube. Viewer Marilyn Castot commented: "Thanks be to God for the internet!"

Dawn Marie Cattier commented, "As a new Catholic waiting patiently for the time when I may receive the sacraments. I have truly enjoyed the Masses that I have never had the privilege of attending. May the Trinity be with us all! Amen."

— Kimberly Bender and SueAnn Howell, Catholic News Herald

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