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Catholic News Herald

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CHARLOTTE — Holy Week gives us the opportunity to draw nearer to Jesus Christ and His love for us, Bishop Peter Jugis preached at Palm Sunday Mass March 20.

The Palm, or Passion, Sunday Mass, with its palm-waving procession into church and the proclamation of the Passion gospel, is like “a retreat which the Church gives to us – an opportunity for a time away, to draw closer to Jesus,” Bishop Jugis said in his homily. “He wants us spiritually to be with Him, participating with Him as He is undergoing this ordeal – an ordeal, by the way, which He freely chooses. He wants us to go along with Him, because He wants us to be with Him,” he said.

Several hundred of people attended the Palm Sunday liturgy at St. Patrick Cathedral with the bishop, processing through the main door at the start of Mass. The main door of the cathedral, one of three pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of Charlotte for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, was decorated with palm fronds for the start of Holy Week.

In his homily, Bishop Jugis also explained why we kneel during the gospel reading on Palm Sunday. “At no other gospel, during the entire course of the year, do we kneel,” he noted.

We kneel at the moment recounting Jesus’ death on the cross, he explained, “to imagine that we ourselves are there, at His crucifixion … kneeling at the foot of the cross.

“We are begging for forgiveness of our sins, and maybe weeping interiorly for the ways we have so often offended the Lord, who has just suffered and died for us.”

Bishop Jugis continued, “Remember, all of this takes place because Jesus loves you.

032016-Palm-Sunday-cathedral-1“In His betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, He allowed all that to happen because of His love for you. At His scourging, and then being mocked at the high priest’s house, He allowed all of that to happen because He loves you. At His trial before the Sanhedrin and then being yanked and sent over to Pontius Pilate, and then yanked from there by Pontius Pilate and sent over to King Herod, and then sent back to Pontius Pilate – back and forth, all of that humiliation – He underwent for love of you. His way of the cross and then crucifixion, with three hours of agony upon the cross, and finally His death, He chose as His own special way of showing His love for you.”

Jesus Himself said it with His dying words, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” His suffering and death is all for the forgiveness of our sins, Bishop Jugis explained.

“As we enter now into this celebration of Holy Week, let us open our hearts to Jesus, and let us live in His love,” he prayed in conclusion, and let that love continue to transform us, so that we become more like Christ.

— Patricia L. Guilfoyle, editor