Hundreds of young people from across the Diocese of Charlotte have recently received the sacrament of confirmation. Deo gratias!

Sixteen young people from St. John the Baptist Church received the sacrament of confirmation from Bishop Peter Jugis June 6

Young people from St. William Church in Murphy and Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission in Hayesville received the sacrament of confirmation from Bishop Peter Jugis June 10

Confirmandi were Luke Bennett (pictured), Mario Borja, Jesus Bravo, Manuel Bravo, Caitlin Caudle, Amanda Dimond, Cristina Leon, Samuel Nelson, Karla Olguin, Fermin Oviedo Jr., Nichole Ragsdale, Alan Roman, Israel

Bishop Peter Jugis confirmed two dozen youths at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Lenoir May 29

Bishop Peter Jugis administered the sacrament of confirmation to more than 40 young people at Our Lady of Grace Church May 11

During a Mass June 8 celebrated by Benedictine Abbot Placid Solari, 75 youths and one adult received the sacrament of confirmation at Our Lady of Mercy Church

Nineteen youths at St. Mary Help of Christians Church received the sacrament of confirmation June 12 during a Mass celebrated by Father Michael Kottar, pastor

Youths at St. John the Evangelist Church in Waynesville received the sacrament of confirmation from Bishop Peter Jugis June 23