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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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103017 ashevilleASHEVILLE — On a cold and rainy Saturday in downtown Asheville, parishioners from Catholic churches in the Asheville Vicariate hosted an Interfaith Prayer Service for Immigration.
More than 160 people from eight churches came together to pray Oct. 28 and listen to emotional stories of young immigrants who now live their lives in uncertainty, not knowing if they will be allowed to remain in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program or if they will be deported to a country they left when they were children.
People prayed for God's intercession for a just and merciful solution, and they committed themselves to supporting all immigrant families in the community.

Aztec dancers from St. Lawrence Basilica also performed during the service. The prayer service was held to show support and solidarity with the immigrant community in Asheville and to call on all people of faith to advocate for just immigration laws and policies.
— Photos provided by Nicholas Haskell

More online:

We Are Strangers No Longer: A Pastoral Statement of the Asheville Vicariate Council of the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte - 2017


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