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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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082024 jefferson anniversary mainFather Jacob Mlakar (left), pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Jefferson, welcomed back former pastors Fathers James Stuhrenberg and Cory Catron on Aug. 16 for the 10th anniversary celebration of the parish's new "mountain Gothic" church.JEFFERSON — Parishioners gathered Aug. 16 at the mountain parish of St. Francis of Assisi to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the dedication of their church.

Then-Bishop Peter Jugis visited exactly 10 years prior to formally dedicate the new “mountain Gothic” church in 2014 when Father James Stuhrenberg was pastor.

Father Stuhrenberg returned for the festivities and was the main celebrant for the anniversary Mass. In his homily he noted that Holy Scripture tells us God loves mountains as He chose this terrain for conversions, walks and significant covenants.

“When we were designing this church, we wanted a place in which you felt the presence of God – that lifted you up to God,” Father Stuhrenberg recalled. “Many have told me that’s exactly how they feel when they walk into the church. They feel more connected with God – in spirit and in truth.”

The popularity of the Blue Ridge Mountains as a tourism and retirement destination have spurred development in Jefferson, located near the Virginia and Tennessee state lines. The 10,000-square-foot church was built to accommodate the parish’s growth.

Father Cory Catron, who served as pastor until July of this year, concelebrated the Mass with Father Stuhrenberg and the parish’s current pastor, Father Jacob Mlakar.

Tours describing the magnificent stained-glass windows, a Holy Hour and Vespers preceded Mass. Afterward, Father Mlakar spoke to the congregation, offering his gratitude for the church and the return of the former pastors for the anniversary celebration.

A parish picnic followed the Holy Hour and Mass – with sporadic mountain showers subsiding for everyone to enjoy the food, fellowship and fun.

— Annie Ferguson

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