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Catholic News Herald

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National Eucharistic Congress inspires Catholic runner to spread ‘Adoration Ultra’ concept beyond Charlotte

012924 ultra sliderSt. Matthew parishioner Jimmy Coleman ran more than 50 miles in his first Adoration Ultra in January. Now he is encouraging other Catholic runners to do similar marathons to bring more awareness of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. CHARLOTTE — Earlier this year St. Matthew parishioner Jimmy Coleman ran what is believed to be the first-ever Adoration Ultra in the Charlotte area. Now he’s poised to do it again with more Catholic runners from North Carolina and beyond.

These prayerful marathons include running from church to church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, raising awareness of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The upcoming event begins in Charlotte July 1 and culminates with the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis on July 17-21.

For his first Adoration Ultra in January, Coleman started with Eucharistic Adoration and Mass at St. Mark Church in Huntersville and ran more than 50 miles carrying a flag emblazoned with “Eat my flesh” and “Drink my blood” (Jn 6:54-56) to the Charlotte-area churches of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John Neumann and St. Matthew, stopping for Eucharistic Adoration at each location.

Ever since then, other Catholic runners who saw Catholic News Herald and national media coverage of Coleman’s feat have been reaching out to him to learn how he did it. Together, they’re gearing up for another Adoration Ultra.

This time, Coleman is recruiting runners and helping them plan Adoration Ultras or Adoration Minis in their own hometowns, leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.

062124 ultra“I’m hoping this inspires people who don’t know the Eucharist to look into it further and come closer to their Catholic faith,” he says. “And then maybe even people who are atheists, to inspire them through seeing people who are truly living out a devout Christian life versus a watered-down version of Christianity that is very unappealing.”

Coleman says runners of all ages are signing up, including a 69-year-old man, women in their 50s, and other runners in their 20s. The project has spread beyond just himself, which encourages Coleman.

“What we’re seeing now is a step further of not just being the ‘Jimmy Coleman Show,’” he says. “I’m hoping this becomes a more regular event throughout the U.S.”
Originally planned as a relay from Charlotte to Indianapolis, Coleman recently changed the format to ease logistical issues and involve more people.

“I’m really excited because it opens the door for other people to participate who originally really wanted to, but weren’t able to,” he says.
Coleman hopes the experience will create running groups in various areas of the country who can connect as Catholic families and athletes.

For the Charlotte marathon, runners will stop at St. Ann and St. Matthew churches in Charlotte and at the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel on the campus of Belmont Abbey College. Other locations in the diocese may be added in the meantime.

Coleman says he expects Adoration Ultras in cities closer to Indianapolis to intersect with official pilgrimage routes to the National Eucharistic Congress, further amplifying his mission to bring others closer to Jesus.

Participation in the Adoration Ultra is free. Runners are given an option to buy a T-shirt designed to match the flag Coleman carried in January featuring the words “Eat my flesh” and “Drink my blood” (Jn 6:54-56).

Coleman says he hopes people see a run group wearing the shirts and start wondering what they are doing.

“They’re going to ask someone, and someone is going to be forced to give them an answer,” he says. “That’s an opportunity to evangelize and bring people closer to Christianity – specifically to the Catholic faith.”

 — Annie Ferguson

Learn more

RevivalLogoWant to create your own Adoration Ultra or know someone who would? Email Jimmy Coleman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advice and planning. See coverage of Coleman’s first Adoration Ultra.