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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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061124 QVDBELMONT — Bishop Michael Martin, OFM Conv., celebrated Mass at Belmont Abbey on June 11 during the diocese’s annual summer vocations camp for young men.

Quo Vadis Days, held annually each June on the campus of Belmont Abbey College, gives young men ages 15-19 a chance to explore vocations to the priesthood, religious life or fatherhood. This year, 100 young men are attending the five-day camp, which includes talks by local priests, seminarians and others, as well as prayer, daily Mass, fellowship and games.

The camp strikes a balance between the activities of a summer camp and the quiet of a retreat. Its goal is to challenge young men to ask the fundamental question “quo vadis” or “where are you going?”, while giving them the opportunity to discern God’s will for their life.

Learn more at Quo Vadis Days.

— Photos by Troy Hull and provided

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