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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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092923 CAW StThomasMany know of the affinity St. Francis of Assisi had for animals and nature, but did you know he also had a love of spiritual realities? The Portiuncula, the chapel he famously rebuilt, was first constructed in the fourth century in honor of Our Lady of Angels, and St. Francis believed that although the kingdom of heaven is everywhere, the Portiuncula was visited more frequently by heavenly spirits. When St. Francis received the stigmata, a member of the seraphim appeared to him in a vision holding a crucified man between his wings. A depiction of this event from the School of Amiens can be found in the permanent collection at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh. It’s worth visiting in honor of St. Francis’ Oct. 4 feast day. Enjoy the rest of the museum’s religious collection, which includes additional paintings of St. Francis, angels, the Holy Family and other saints.