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Catholic News Herald

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091523 CAW franceEucharistic Adoration by laypeople formally began in Avignon, France, in September 1226. In reparation for the sacrileges of the Albigensian heresy, King Louis VIII built a church in Avignon near the Sorgue River to honor the Blessed Sacrament. On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the king planned a Eucharistic procession around the city. Dressed in sackcloth and with a rope around his waist, he led the procession. Because of the throngs of adorers, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed throughout the night. As the practice continued in the days and nights that followed, the bishop declared that Adoration would continue there. Perpetual Adoration continued for 200 years – then a Eucharistic miracle occurred during a massive flood. What was that miracle? Read more at www.therealpresence.org.