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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

Editor’s note: On Dec. 18, Pope Francis approved a document from the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith regarding the nature and types of blessings. That document, “Fiducia Supplicans – On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings,” has prompted much media attention, discussion and confusion about the implications of blessings by ordained ministers and who may receive them. Monsignor Patrick Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte, explains what the document means and how Catholics should regard pastoral blessings:


winslowSimply speaking, “Fiducia Supplicans” addresses the two types of blessings that an ordained minister can give: pastoral blessings and sacramental blessings. It is distinguishing between spontaneous pastoral blessings for people who seek grace and assistance from God and those that bless relationships that correspond to God’s design.

120823 Quilt raffleCANDLER — St. Joan of Arc’s Quilting Ministry team organized its first Quilt Show and Sale Oct. 7-8 to raise funds and awareness for the growing ministry.

The Quilting Ministry team began in 2021 as a means of making and donating lap quilts to parishioners who were gravely ill or homebound. They have since expanded their efforts to include making child’s quilts for each infant and child baptized into the Church at the parish.

Before every meeting, the quilters pray that the Lord’s love and care will be made present in each stitch they sew and thread they knot. Each quilt is then blessed by Father Dean Cesa, pastor, before it is given as an expression of a loving and caring “hug” from the parish community.

Over the past two years, the group of as many as 15 quilters have completed approximately 70 quilts.

The show and sale, which included lap quilts, children’s quilts, table runners, Christmas stockings and other household items, raised approximately $4,100 for the ministry to buy fabric and thread for future quilts. Pictured is Ellie McCurdy in front of a quilt raffled off during the event.

— Katie Kalarovich