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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

062218 CCDOCASHEVILLE — Employees at Catholic Charities Western Regional Office joined together on Fridays during Lent for a simple meatless meal of soup and bread. Coordinated by Nick Haskell, these meals were an opportunity for prayer, fellowship and almsgiving.

Employees made donations to the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Collection each Friday in gratitude for their meal and to support the international relief and development work of CRS. This communal effort of Lenten prayer, almsgiving and abstinence resulted in $293.65 being raised for CRS.

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency alleviates suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries. This year, 2018, CRS celebrates its 75th anniversary.
— Joseph Purello

060818 crucifix blessingFOREST CITY — A new 20-foot crucifix standing outside Immaculate Conception Church was blessed May 16.

The blessing was done by Monsignor Mauricio West, vicar general and chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte.

The new landmark, which faces the highway next to the church, was designed by Father Herbert Burke, pastor. It stands 20 feet high with eight-inch wide beams made of aluminum. At its base are featured Christ’s words: “Follow Me.”

“The plan was to have a continuous witness to the love of Christ next to the highway, so that everyone passing by could see the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and hopefully be inspired by His love to make the right decisions in their lives,” explained Father Burke. “The words ‘Follow Me’ are given to Peter at the end of the Gospel of John, when He tells him that he will give his life as a martyr to be crucified for the glory of God (John 21:18-19).”

Father Burke said that he spent about a month designing the project and coming up with the measurements on paper. Then he began to recruit helpers for the work and suppliers for the materials.

He particularly credited Gerardo and Salomon Mendoza, who fabricated the aluminum cross and painted it brown; Deacon Sigfrido Della Valle, Efren Ramirez and Guillermo Cabrera, who were involved in lifting the cross, mounting the corpus and concreting it in place; Cuatemock Melgar, the mason who did the stone work; and Danny Suhy, who made the concrete sign and mold for the words “Follow Me” at the base of the cross.

The six-foot corpus was supplied by Mazzolini Art Works, and the praying angels positioned next to the cross came from Maise Manufacturing in Forest City.

— Giuliana Polinari Riley, correspondent