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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

Greensboro parish hosts Bishop Martin for his first confirmation in diocese

060624 confirmationGREENSBORO — Thirty-four young people and their sponsors waited in the Parish Life Center at Our Lady of Grace Church June 5, ready to be confirmed by the new Bishop of Charlotte.

Over the past week, Bishop Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv., has been getting out to visit churches and meet the people of the diocese, receiving a warm welcome at each stop. During his visit to Our Lady of Grace, the new bishop shared encouraging words during his homily, drew smiles with a few jokes, and made an impact on those who met him.

The candidates and their sponsors knew this was to be Bishop Martin’s first confirmation Mass since he was ordained last week, and they were enthusiastic about the historic moment.

“We feel deeply honored that we're the first parish he's visiting for confirmation,” said Father Casey Coleman, pastor.

“It is an incredible blessing to have Bishop Martin here with us,” added confirmation sponsor and parishioner Tom Molony. “He just exudes peace and joy, and it’s really a gift to our parish.”

When Bishop Martin entered the room to meet the young people he would soon confirm, he smiled and quickly put everyone at ease. He assured them there was nothing to be nervous about and joked that he’d be more likely to make a mistake since it was his first confirmation as bishop.

“Relax, it’s going to be wonderful,” he told them. “Don’t be afraid of what the Holy Spirit can do in your lives. I say that as much to the sponsors as I do to the candidates.”

He prayed over the confirmation candidates, then asked in jest which one of them was the homilist for the evening. For a minute, the candidates looked at each other, then back at the bishop.

“Well, I’ll do it this time,” the bishop joked.

Much of Bishop Martin’s homily message for the confirmation candidates related to the Gospel reading about the Parable of the Talents.

He noted that each of them has already received a talent: the gift of faith through their families.

“It’s time for you to multiply the gift. It’s time for you to make something more of the gift,” he told them, challenging them to go out in the world and not bury their talents in their pockets by only talking about Jesus in church.

“It’s not for you to stay safely here in church,” he said.

“What you’re being confirmed to do is to go out into the world and let other people – imagine this – let other people follow you. They’re going to know who Jesus is because of you. That’s what this sacrament is about. You're saying Lord, ‘Send me your spirit so that I might be your witness in the world. I won’t bury this gift I'm being given tonight of the Holy Spirit. I won’t be afraid of you. I will go out and let other people follow me.’”

Bishop Martin recalled when he received the news that he was to become Bishop of Charlotte: “They called me, and I thought, ‘Is this the right number? Have you got the right guy? Do I think I’m ready to be a bishop? All right, Lord, if that's what you want, that's OK.’”

“You may think you’re not ready to go out into the world and share the faith, but you are,” he continued. “I didn't think I was ready either, but here I am, and I'm willing to say you can follow me (to Jesus). You need to be willing to say that to your friends.”

Nathanael Foppe, a recent graduate of Our Lady of Grace School, was among those confirmed by Bishop Martin.

“One thing I noticed during the homily is Bishop Martin’s joking disposition,” Foppe said. “There's a joy you can see in him. Joy happens to be one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and you can tell the Holy Spirit lives in him. How? He shows it through his joy.”

— Annie Ferguson. Photos by Troy Hull

Altar servers eagerly awaited Bishop Michael Martin's arrival to Our Lady of Grace in Greensboro.
Altar servers eagerly awaited Bishop Michael Martin's arrival to Our Lady of Grace in Greensboro.
Bishop Martin greeted the young men upon his arrival.
Bishop Martin greeted the young men upon his arrival.
Bishop Martin's first stop was the Parish Life Center to talk with the confirmation candidates prior to Mass.
Bishop Martin's first stop was the Parish Life Center to talk with the confirmation candidates prior to Mass.
Bishop Martin immediately put everyone at ease asking the candidates who had the best confirmation sponsor.
Bishop Martin immediately put everyone at ease asking the candidates who had the best confirmation sponsor.
Bishop Martin took a quiet moment to pray before entering the church.
Bishop Martin took a quiet moment to pray before entering the church.
All eyes were on Bishop Martin as he began Mass.
All eyes were on Bishop Martin as he began Mass.
Confirmation candidates and their sponsors filled the pews of the historic Greensboro church.
Confirmation candidates and their sponsors filled the pews of the historic Greensboro church.
Bishop Martin offered his first confirmation Mass as Bishop of Charlotte.
Bishop Martin offered his first confirmation Mass as Bishop of Charlotte.
Bishop Martin spoke about the sacrament of confirmation at the beginning of Mass.
Bishop Martin spoke about the sacrament of confirmation at the beginning of Mass.
The new bishop engaged the candidates and the entire congregation during his homily.
The new bishop engaged the candidates and the entire congregation during his homily.
The bishop spoke about using the gift of faith to make Jesus known to others.
The bishop spoke about using the gift of faith to make Jesus known to others.
The bishop also called upon all the confirmed adults in the congregation to not forget to use the gifts God has given them.
The bishop also called upon all the confirmed adults in the congregation to not forget to use the gifts God has given them.
After the homily, the candidates were asked to stand and renew their baptismal promises.
After the homily, the candidates were asked to stand and renew their baptismal promises.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
Even the youngest altar servers remained prayerful throughout the Mass.
Even the youngest altar servers remained prayerful throughout the Mass.
Bishop Martin confirms Matthew Johnston, a recent graduate of Our Lady of Grace School.
Bishop Martin confirms Matthew Johnston, a recent graduate of Our Lady of Grace School.
Our Lady of Grace's Deacon Jack Yarbrough served alongside the bishop at the confirmation Mass.
Our Lady of Grace's Deacon Jack Yarbrough served alongside the bishop at the confirmation Mass.
Bishop Martin's joy was evident throughout his visit.
Bishop Martin's joy was evident throughout his visit.
Newly confirmed Nathanael Foppe and Evelyn Braden presented the gifts to Bishop Martin.
Newly confirmed Nathanael Foppe and Evelyn Braden presented the gifts to Bishop Martin.
Friends and family filled the pews to support and pray for the candidates.
Friends and family filled the pews to support and pray for the candidates.
The new bishop urged the candidates not to be afraid to share Christ with the world and let others follow them to Jesus.
The new bishop urged the candidates not to be afraid to share Christ with the world and let others follow them to Jesus.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
Bishop Martin confirmed 34 candidates.
The newly confirmed young people posed for a group photo with Bishop Martin and Father Casey Coleman, pastor.
The newly confirmed young people posed for a group photo with Bishop Martin and Father Casey Coleman, pastor.
Bishop Martin mingled with families in a reception following Mass.
Bishop Martin mingled with families in a reception following Mass.