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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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022621 st michaelGASTONIA — A new, four-part lecture series entitled “Hearts United” presented by St. Michael Church and School launched Feb. 18 with “Ever Ancient, Ever New,” a talk by Dr. William Thierfelder, president of Belmont Abbey College.

The lecture series was developed by a group of parishioners, school officials and parents, who together with pastor Father Lucas Rossi wanted to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as bring together the faithful from both the parish and the school communities for a series of talks to help enrich their faith and grow in fellowship. The series is being held in person as well as being livestreamed on the parish’s YouTube channel.

Jenny Ryan is one of the series organizers and a parishioner with four children at St. Michael School.

“The series came about because Father Rossi has a mission to bring the school and the parish together,” Ryan said. “At the heart of it is to bring everyone together so we can move forward as one.”

“We wanted to make sure the talks in the series are applicable to anyone. So no matter where you are, what age, etc., these talks are meant to enrich everyone,” she said.

Mary Thierfelder, the wife of Dr. Thierfelder and mother of 10, among them a seventh-grader at St. Michael School, helped develop the Hearts United series.

“We want to unite the parish and the school, so that whatever we do in the speaker series brings people together. We are looking at it from the standpoint that as Catholics we are lifelong learners. We thought it was important for Bill to go first to talk about the history of the Church here,” Thierfelder explained.

Dr. Thierfelder’s one-hour talk, “Ever Ancient, Ever New,” focused on the history of Belmont Abbey and St. Michael Church. It took a closer look at the history of Catholicism in western North Carolina, starting with the Benedictine monks as the first Catholics to settle in the area.

He shared his gratitude for the hard work and perseverance of those Benedictine monks, whose early labors helped plant the Church in western North Carolina.

“In a way, our hearts are united with the hearts of all who came before us, who made it possible for us to be here today, so there is this sense of oneness. We are one Body of Christ,” Thierfelder said.

From his lecture, Thierfelder hopes that Catholics of the diocese appreciate the deep roots of the faith here.

“Christ planted seeds here and the seeds are for all of us. The seeds have grown now in all different ways – all kinds of charisms and apostolates have come from it. They didn’t just come out of the air. They came from those who lived and loved and died for us,” he explained.

Father Rossi noted that, “Of particular importance was showing how St. Michael would not exist as a parish with a school if it wasn’t for the Benedictines, Sisters of Mercy and St. Katherine Drexel, who gave spiritual and financial support.

“In the end, Dr. Thierfelder desired to awaken gratitude in the hearts of all who attended the talk. He achieved it! I left overwhelmed with gratitude, Father Rossi said.

Three more Hearts United lectures are planned for March 18, April 8 and May 6.

The next talk in the series will be given by Dr. Joseph Wysocki, dean of the Honors College at Belmont Abbey College. His talk is entitled: “Working out a Picture of Happiness: Liberal Education and Our Children’s Souls.” All are invited to attend the program, which will begin at 7 p.m. at St. Michael Church.

 — SueAnn Howell, Senior reporter
Pictured: Dr. William Thierfelder, president of Belmont Abbey College, delivered the first lecture in the “Hearts United” speaker series that kicked off Feb. 18 at St. Michael Church in Gastonia. Father Lucas Rossi, pastor, and Michelle Vollman, principal of St. Michael School, hope the speaker series will bring the parish and school communities closer together in faith and fellowship. (SueAnn Howell | Catholic News Herald)

Watch online

At www.youtube.com/StMichaelCatholicChurch: The “Hearts United” lecture series is available on St. Michael Church’s YouTube channel. And check out the parish’s website, stmccg.org for details about future lectures.