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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina

gallagher fredThe holiday (or holy day) seasons are winding down now and we are reaching what the Church calls “Tempus Per Annum,” or time throughout the year. We know it as Ordinary Time and our present iteration of it goes from after Christmas to just before Lent. It is good, however, not to make the mistake of equating Ordinary Time with the mundane, the eventless or the boring.

michalowskiToo often our understanding of what it is to be pro-life is seen from a domestic, political point of view. If we really understand what it is to be pro-life from the point of view of the past 50 years of papal teaching – the teaching of Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis – it is to stand with Jesus Christ and His Incarnation.