diofav 23

Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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speersIn the 1950s, if you were "hip," you were "cool" because you could "dig it." In the 1960s, what was cool became "groovy." In the 1970s, if something was cool, it was "radical." But in today's vernacular, "radical" is often seen as politically incorrect.

When it comes to the Gospel, however, being radical is what we are called to be. And we do so by following the example of our Savior, Jesus, who changes the world from the moment of His birth to His public ministry and then to His death and resurrection.

So how radical was Jesus?

This list is not conclusive and I recommend that you open your Bibles, because God's word is where the radicalization begins. I've given book, chapter and verse, but it's up to you to dust off the cover and read the life-challenging text:

1. With righteous indignation Jesus cleanses the temple: John 2:13-17

2. Jesus condemns the scribes and Pharisees: Matthew chapter 23

3. God's Son challenges manmade laws and performs seven miracles on the Sabbath: John 5:1-18, John 9:1-16, Mark 1:21-28, Mark 1:29-31, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 13:10-17 and Luke 14:1-6

4. The Sermon on the Mount starts with the Beatitudes. These snippets of wisdom were the opposite of what was being taught. Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 were considered radical teachings: I'm supposed to forgive? Do I really have to give to the poor? I can't judge my neighbor? Do to others whatever you would have them do to you? Now, that's radical.

5. The people say Jesus teaches with authority: Mark 1:21-22 and Matthew 7:28-29

6. Jesus speaks to Satan, squelching evil by quoting God's word: Luke 4:1-13

7. Jesus' birth was radical. Read Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25 for the details. Christ's birth started with the Angel Gabriel, who proclaimed a virgin shall give birth. Mary, of course, played a pivotal role with her radical acceptance of God's plan. Then there were shepherds, wise men, a bright star, angelic choir, no room at the inn, and the newborn Jesus laid in a manger.

8. Jesus' childhood was radical because He obeyed His parents: Luke 2:41-52

9. Jesus feeds 5,000 by praying over five loaves and two fish: Matthew 14:13-21

10. Jesus walks on water: Matthew 14:22-27

11. Jesus calms the wind and sea: Matthew 8:23-27

12. Jesus makes wine from water in His first miracle: John 2:1-12

13. Jesus talks about paying taxes: Matthew 17:24-27 and Matthew 22:15-22

14. Jesus could read hearts: Matthew 9:4, Matthew 12:25, Matthew 26:21 and Luke 5:22

15. Jesus curses the fig tree: Mark 11:2-14 and Mark 11:20-25

16. Speaking of the devil, Jesus removes unclean spirits: Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 9:37-43

17. Jesus follows God's will: John 4:34 and John 6:35-40

18. From the beginning Jesus was with God: John 1:1-5

19. Jesus humbles Himself to be baptized by John: Matthew 3:13-17

20. Jesus quotes scripture: Matthew 22:31-33

21. Jesus predicts the destruction of Jerusalem: Matthew 24:1-2

22. Jesus predicts His death and resurrection: Matthew 16:21-23

23. Jesus says He is God: John 5:23, John 8:24, John 8:58-59, John 10:30-31, John 14:9-11, Mark 11:27-33 and Matthew 11:27

24. Jesus willingly gave up His life for His sheep: John 10:11-15 and John 15:13-14

25. Jesus has prepared a place for us: John 14:1-3

If we are to be like Christ, we are to be radical witnesses to the Gospel. In Romans 12:1-2, the radical Apostle Paul sums it up: "I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."

Barbara Case Speers is a writer who lives in Hickory.