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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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122118 4thsundayEditor’s note: The Catholic News Herald offers these Advent reflections courtesy of Catholic Relief Services. These Advent reflections, activities and prayers invite us to prepare our hearts to welcome Emmanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23), into our world at Christmas.

There is a Light in this World
122118 advent 2Loving Jesus,
In Your name, we mark this season:
As we bring forth light to defy the claims of darkness,
As we bring forth joy and song to defy the claims of sadness,
As we bring forth a spirit of generosity to defy the claims of want,
As we bring forth peace to defy the claims of war.
That in the darkest, saddest, most wanting, warring corner of the world,
All may look to Bethlehem
Where, in the humblest of circumstances,
In a time of repression
From the person of a poor refugee woman
In the filth of a manger
In the form of a most vulnerable child
You came among us to say, “No, there is a light in this world.”
Let us be this light to others.
Let us be the fruit of the branch of Jesse’s tree.
Let us be the bearers of the indescribable gift that is Your grace.
And so defy all false claims on Your people and their dignity.
And so, may You be born anew, into every season
Into every age
Into every land and every human heart.
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come.

122118 advent 3Photo courtesy of Ten Thousand VillagesLoving God, like Elizabeth,
who recognized Jesus in Mary,
we pray that we may recognize
Jesus in others, especially in
those who are suffering and
most in need. Amen.

Who in your life is most often left out? Why do you think that is? What can you do to include them?

This week, try to recognize the presence of Jesus in people who are sick. Think of someone you know who is sick – and reach out to him or her today.

Buy a gift that supports people like Basu – and people who have been affected by natural disasters around the world. Visit ethicaltrade.crs.org.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit … Come Lord Jesus, be our light! Help us to recognize You in others.

Fourth Sunday of Advent (Cycle C): Luke 1:39-45
“And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

In this Gospel reading, Mary travels to see her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist. When Elizabeth sees Mary, John the Baptist leaps within her. Elizabeth immediately knows this is because Mary is carrying Jesus, the son of God, in her womb. Nobody expected that Mary – a lowly Nazarene woman – would be the person to bring the Messiah into the world. And yet Elizabeth recognizes Jesus in her. We can still recognize Jesus in our world today. He tells us that whatever we do for those who are suffering and in need, we do for Him (Matthew 25:40). But it can be difficult to recognize Jesus in others – especially in those who are suffering or left out.
In Nepal, which suffered a devastating earthquake in April 2015, many people live in poor conditions. And many people like Basu Dev Dahal struggle with infectious diseases like leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that can permanently leave people with discolored skin and deformed limbs. When Basu first developed leprosy, he wasn’t welcome in his family or community because of the stigma attached to the disease. He received treatment and was cured, but he was left with deformed fingers.
The Nepal Leprosy Trust is an organization that hires people with leprosy. Like Elizabeth recognized Jesus in Mary, the staff at the Nepal Leprosy Trust recognize Christ in people often rejected by society.
Despite his deformed fingers, Basu began working in the leather goods workshop of the trust – he even became the supervisor! He was soon able to buy a home and provide for his wife and three sons.